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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Biggest Retail Blade

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Which retail replacement blade comes closest to the legal limit for blade size?

For blade size, I'd say the Rbk blades are the closest to the top to bottom 3" limit.

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They use a special ruler. I was watching a LA Kings game and saw a ref use it on one of Demitras sticks. I have also heard that if you lay the blade flat and a penny will fit under it than it is illegal.

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Yeah, I'm not talking about the size of the curve or its depth. I'm talking about the size of the blade.

Most legal limits are 12 1/2 inches long and 3 inches high.

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the Elias pattern on the SW Axion blades, 99% sure it was Elias, were just enormous...I wanted to get one and just use it on the PK...

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hate to tell you but if they are rounded AND perky then it's a fake.. :lol:

Absolute bullshee-it man. The best kind is well rounded and perky and REAL. They're rare, but they're out there...who's in on our search for rounded and perky expedition? :lol:

Massive juggs don't do it for me - those are for porn and nudie bars. Not real girls.

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Okay, besides the Shannahan, what are some currently available really large wood blades? There are no Elias blades around here that I can find...

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