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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Team Canada Sticks

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Since i'm canadian...and LOVE THESE GRAPHIC... i would pay around 1000-150cnd for one of those SHaft(i mean broken OPS)

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what is the weight difference betweent he xxx's and the xxx lites?

The difference is 10 grams. My Vapor XXX Lite weighs 420 grams. Also, I think the blade on the Lite is a little bit different than the blade on the regular XXX. Bauer's website says the blade is made with N-Touch 2 technology, so I guess that means they made some changes.

10 grams! What's that one wrap extra wrap of tape. No performance improvement whatsoever. I challenge the marketing guys to show me independent lab analysis results! What a bunch of crap if I ever saw one.

Yea I agree with you. In my opinion, the XXX Lite doesn't feel much lighter than the regular XXX. The main reason why I bought the XXX Lite was because it was 10 dollars cheaper than the regular XXX which I originally intended on buying. Also, my XXX Lite was the only one in the store (I bought it on November 5th) so I decided to buy it since I probably wouldn't see anymore of them in stores for another 6 weeks.

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what is the weight difference betweent he xxx's and the xxx lites?

The difference is 10 grams. My Vapor XXX Lite weighs 420 grams. Also, I think the blade on the Lite is a little bit different than the blade on the regular XXX. Bauer's website says the blade is made with N-Touch 2 technology, so I guess that means they made some changes.

10 grams! What's that one wrap extra wrap of tape. No performance improvement whatsoever. I challenge the marketing guys to show me independent lab analysis results! What a bunch of crap if I ever saw one.

Yea I agree with you. In my opinion, the XXX Lite doesn't feel much lighter than the regular XXX. The main reason why I bought the XXX Lite was because it was 10 dollars cheaper than the regular XXX which I originally intended on buying. Also, my XXX Lite was the only one in the store (I bought it on November 5th) so I decided to buy it since I probably wouldn't see anymore of them in stores for another 6 weeks.

10 grams is within the tolerances for most manufacturers. There were likely a lot of 430 gram XXXs last year.

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what is the weight difference betweent he xxx's and the xxx lites?

The difference is 10 grams. My Vapor XXX Lite weighs 420 grams. Also, I think the blade on the Lite is a little bit different than the blade on the regular XXX. Bauer's website says the blade is made with N-Touch 2 technology, so I guess that means they made some changes.

10 grams! What's that one wrap extra wrap of tape. No performance improvement whatsoever. I challenge the marketing guys to show me independent lab analysis results! What a bunch of crap if I ever saw one.

Yea I agree with you. In my opinion, the XXX Lite doesn't feel much lighter than the regular XXX. The main reason why I bought the XXX Lite was because it was 10 dollars cheaper than the regular XXX which I originally intended on buying. Also, my XXX Lite was the only one in the store (I bought it on November 5th) so I decided to buy it since I probably wouldn't see anymore of them in stores for another 6 weeks.

I think It feels lighter...Not alot, but It is way more balanced than the XXX, I dont like the XXX, It feels so blade heavy, I find that the XX Max Stick'um is more balanced than the XXX, the only problem with the XXX lite is that its too expensive at my LHS ($319)-Its a Source For Sports

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what is the weight difference betweent he xxx's and the xxx lites?

The difference is 10 grams. My Vapor XXX Lite weighs 420 grams. Also, I think the blade on the Lite is a little bit different than the blade on the regular XXX. Bauer's website says the blade is made with N-Touch 2 technology, so I guess that means they made some changes.

10 grams! What's that one wrap extra wrap of tape. No performance improvement whatsoever. I challenge the marketing guys to show me independent lab analysis results! What a bunch of crap if I ever saw one.

Yea I agree with you. In my opinion, the XXX Lite doesn't feel much lighter than the regular XXX. The main reason why I bought the XXX Lite was because it was 10 dollars cheaper than the regular XXX which I originally intended on buying. Also, my XXX Lite was the only one in the store (I bought it on November 5th) so I decided to buy it since I probably wouldn't see anymore of them in stores for another 6 weeks.

I think It feels lighter...Not alot, but It is way more balanced than the XXX, I dont like the XXX, It feels so blade heavy, I find that the XX Max Stick'um is more balanced than the XXX, the only problem with the XXX lite is that its too expensive at my LHS ($319)-Its a Source For Sports

I bought a xxx lite today and for me I have to say it's not noticeable that much lighter than a regular XXX.

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what is the weight difference betweent he xxx's and the xxx lites?

The difference is 10 grams. My Vapor XXX Lite weighs 420 grams. Also, I think the blade on the Lite is a little bit different than the blade on the regular XXX. Bauer's website says the blade is made with N-Touch 2 technology, so I guess that means they made some changes.

10 grams! What's that one wrap extra wrap of tape. No performance improvement whatsoever. I challenge the marketing guys to show me independent lab analysis results! What a bunch of crap if I ever saw one.

Yea I agree with you. In my opinion, the XXX Lite doesn't feel much lighter than the regular XXX. The main reason why I bought the XXX Lite was because it was 10 dollars cheaper than the regular XXX which I originally intended on buying. Also, my XXX Lite was the only one in the store (I bought it on November 5th) so I decided to buy it since I probably wouldn't see anymore of them in stores for another 6 weeks.

I think It feels lighter...Not alot, but It is way more balanced than the XXX, I dont like the XXX, It feels so blade heavy, I find that the XX Max Stick'um is more balanced than the XXX, the only problem with the XXX lite is that its too expensive at my LHS ($319)-Its a Source For Sports

I bought a xxx lite today and for me I have to say it's not noticeable that much lighter than a regular XXX.

Not to be sarcarcastic or anything but........that's why it is called the XXX Lite

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I was at the Markville mall SportChek yesterday and saw the Bauer sticks. They are way too heavy. My Synergy shaft & Koho combo is lighter.

For C$100 the XN10 at National Sports is a much better deal!

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Had a shift today (sportchek)

Since you're an employee at Sportchek...do you know what kind of sale will they have on Boxing Day?

A friend (not Sportchek employee) had mentioned that the CCM V120s are going for C$89.99...true? I know they are currently on sale for $119.99.

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hmmm, boxing day sales.....

I know the si cores will be on for 119.99, skates are gonna be blowout prices (so like 10-20 off wut they are now), i know we have some bauer wood sticks that are gonna be doorcrashers for 5 bucks. Haven't heard anything about the v120's.

Other then that, stuff like snowboard/ski bindings are like 20%, goggles are on sale, i'm pretty sure snowboards are getting marked down.

If you ask me i didn't see anything to spectacular for the sales.

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Yeah, the boxing day flyer didn't seem as good as the pre-christmas flyer.

Pssst... When does the buy one shaft get the other 50% off deal return?

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Just received my Boxing Day flyers this morning. Nothing spectacular at SportChek. The siCore and the v120s are $120...they having selling at that price for the past 2 months or so.

The buy one get the other at 50% off is like a never ending sale...it's always ongoing. They might not have advertised it. I see it everytime I go to SportChek.

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I went to Peranis to pick one up today but they already stopped carrying them due to breakage, someone was bringing in two pieces of one as I was going out.

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