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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which visor/cage?

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Being an old hack (mid-30's) playing for fun, I have reached the conclusion that I should ditch the 1/2 visor I wear and use something to protect my teeth/face/eyes better... I have TRIED a cage for a few weeks (it's a Leader POS), and it was terrible... I felt like I couldn't see anything without staring at bars (straight ahead or close to my feet especially).

So I've been reading/looking at new cages or shields and was wondering what the concensus is on the 'best' cage/shield to buy (for the price)?

there is the bauer 4000 or 8000 - 'they' say that you're supposed to be able to see well with it - best seeing cage so says the wording...

there's the CCM/Jofa FM480 which says the same thing about being the best to see out of (marketing speak)

we also have the ITech II combo, ITech 920 combo, ITech FX50 as well as the Oakley combo...

any thoughts? I have read all about the shields fogging up and their propensity to get scratched but I take good care of my current 1/2 shield and don't worry about scratches. Of course, I'd prefer to spend as little as possible but don't want to sacrifice vision for a few more $$.

thanks in advance... :)

oh - Merry Christmas btw!

TB in Texas

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I use the 4000, and while it does get in the way (I've been playing wearing no visor/shields before), it's the best of the cages I've tried... and those inclue the Itech half-white/half-black ones and the Jofa cages. I'd definately recommend the Bauer 4000 for cages...

As for full visors, they tend to fog to a lot, or at least over here in the Hong Kong climate...

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go for the oakley combo... best one out there. i've tried them all and while some was good none of them are as good for keeping an eye on the puck when your stickhandling

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I was a big fan of 1xcel before I didn't need my half visor anymore and I sold it. But price-wise, I don't see the harm in buying a half visor half cage Itech.

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go for the oakley combo... best one out there. i've tried them all and while some was good none of them are as good for keeping an eye on the puck when your stickhandling

I second that.

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i use black jofa cage. better if you find the older ones, not the white bubbles but the ones after, they will probably be less $ and the squares are the same all around, no two skinny ones in the middle

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If the vision is good enough in the 920 it's not a bad choice. Bars on the bottom and a visor that can be replaced. The plastic bottoms tend to fog up more than the cage bottom combos. FX50 is the same concept but is optically correct. The Itech I2 stuff with white on the inside and black on the outside are nice too.

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If it gets down to you buying the fx 50 or the oakley combo, I'd recommend you buy the oakley combo. I own both and the oakley has a lot wider and bigger range of vision due to it being such a big visor compared to the fx 50 visor which is obviously smaller.

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hmmmmm - the 'optically correct' features of the FX-50 and Oakley sound interesting. Looking at replacing the lenses, it seems the FX-50's go for $50+ for two lenses, but the Oakley's appear to be that much for ONE replacement lense. Definitely would be a factor...

I've put 4 different models into shopping carts today (2 combo's and 2 cages) and keep changing my mind. :) At this moment, the FX-50 stands out (price) compared to the Oakley, but a few of you said the Oakley is slightly larger. Of course, I could wake up in the AM and start looking at cages again :unsure:

thanks all!

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go cages, y have to pay for a new combo if you get a stick gash across the front. jofa white/black cages are nasty, combos are dusty, fishbowls are dangly, those are the rules, i didnt make them up

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The Jofa FM 480 cage. Light and protective and the best out there in my opinion. Had mine for almost eight years now and haven't found a better cage to date.

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