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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Okay, I think it's time for me to get a new helmet and retire my current one to back-up duty.

I'm choosing between the Rbk 8k, Bauer 8000 or 5000 (Currently have a 5000), and waiting for the Mission Intake.

I have a 5000 Large right now, but a medium would be fine I imagine as I have the helmet shrunk down quite a good deal.

Doesn't need to come with a cage, as I like my Bauer 4000M cage on my current helmet.

Edit: Forgot the formal question, Which do you think would be the best for comfort (I'll try them all on, sans the Mission), durability and weight (I know the Rbk is lightest, but it may not be noticeable)?

Thanks for the help.

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Since the Mission Intake hasn't been released yet, I can't comment on it. Of the helmets you mentioned, the Bauer 8000 is probably the most protective. The 5000 seems to be one of the most popular helmets. I find my 5000 to be comfortable and it has really good protection. I haven't used a rbk 8k helmet but I'm pretty sure I remember someone saying on this board that the 8k had some durability issues.

If I had to choose one of the helmets you listed I would go for the 5000 because it is comfortable, has good protection, reasonably priced, and is a decent looking helmet.

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The 5000 is a great helmet. Always a good choice. No durability issues for the 8k helmet that I am aware of. This helmet is very well built. Was my best seller this year, and all customers rave about it. I've seen quite a few come thru for sanitizing and haven't spotted any durability probs. You may however, want to hold out for the new RBK 6K, will be similar, but a bit cheaper. New RBKS also have a new choice of a combo with RBK stainless cage.

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The 8K is wicked light and wicked expensive. The 8000 kind of looks funny but performs for fit. The 5000? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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Hey, I just remembered that if you want to go with Bauer, maybe you can get a deal. The 06 helmet will be 5500 and 8500 because they are adding new NBH graphic. Same helmet, just new model number in 06. See if your LHS is up on that info!!

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Hey, I just remembered that if you want to go with Bauer, maybe you can get a deal. The 06 helmet will be 5500 and 8500 because they are adding new NBH graphic. Same helmet, just new model number in 06. See if your LHS is up on that info!!

Will there be any changes to the helmets themselves or just the graphics? If the actual helmets will change I think I'll wait some, but if it's just the same thing, whatever.

And I don't really feel like haggling with my LHS, Bruce is a great guy and I'll pay every penny he asks (to a certain extent of course). I think every single piece of gear I wear is from that store.

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Hey, I just remembered that if you want to go with Bauer, maybe you can get a deal. The 06 helmet will be 5500 and 8500 because they are adding new NBH graphic. Same helmet, just new model number in 06. See if your LHS is up on that info!!

Will there be any changes to the helmets themselves or just the graphics? If the actual helmets will change I think I'll wait some, but if it's just the same thing, whatever.

And I don't really feel like haggling with my LHS, Bruce is a great guy and I'll pay every penny he asks (to a certain extent of course). I think every single piece of gear I wear is from that store.


just graphical changes

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I like to hear the loyalty to Bruce! Way to go, the guy is just trying to earn a living. Everyone thinks the LHS guy should give everything away for a discount. My favorite line: "Do you know how much I spend here?" "And I thank you every time!"

OK, the helmet I believe is staying exactly the same. I will be seeing my NBH rep on Tuesday to look at 2006 product. I'll have a final answer after the presentation.

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Yeah, we're on a first name basis at this point, and he is pretty awsome with setting me up with gear. He starts at the low end of a product line and works his way up. Great salesman too (Convinced my mom into Vector Pros, and I'm only 16...). He fitted me for everything but the gloves I picked out, as they're PP anyway.

Only a few times have I gone to a more local hockey shop (about 10 minutes away as opposed to 25-30) and was disappointed. He also seems to do a good job sharpening skates... Little deep, but I'm not going to complain.

I'll just go and check out what they have when I get the chance and pick the one that fits the best. I wish I could get a white helmet, but my team needs black...

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The adjustment is better and easier to use.

Until it breaks. I've heard of the 8k Adjustment dials breaking easily, a few people on here i believe said that. I swear by my 5000. I bought an 8000 but only use that to reff, prefer my 5000.

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The back dial is garbage,as soon as it tightens and you put the helmet back on it loosens.The foam is completely flattened in mine and the hard foam broke all over the place. Im back to my third Bauer 5000 helmet now.

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I've seen a couple kids take some decently hard hits to the head and the helmet has cracked and I had to send it back to RBK for them...I dont know if this is a widespread problem but I'd be worried about it.

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i had a 5000 ,lasted 3 and a half years then the gel packs hardened ,got an 8000 ,the hard black stuff inside cracked(which sucks cause it was the comfiest thign ive ever had on my head) so im back with a 5000

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i'm not a fan of the RBK padding system inside or the adjustment dial, or the durability of them, but the only reason i'm picking one up is because it comes down lower on the neck...if i had one on i wouldn't have a concussion right now. <_<

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My friend Had a huge chunk of the interior of his 8k crack...The outside cracked a bit as well...He sent it back and got a new one though...

I've seen those problems on all three helmets already on the market.

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is the rbk helmet like the CCM helmet? I have a Bauer 8000 right now and I HATE it with a passion, the side adjustments loosen all by them selves, which wasn't comfy when I got nailed in front of the net and landed on my head and the side adjustments loosened.. :ph34r: but the CCM helmet gave me headaches (pressed to much on temples) so I'm lookin' to trade in the bauer 8000(or throw it away) lol.. for a new helmet as well.. how about the ol' Itech100? or Bauer 5000.. are the side adj. better made then the 5000? tia

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i love my 5000 and i havnt heard many stories about them breaking a lot... it lasted bruin 3 and a half years he said and mine has lasted me about the same and is still holding up great... i dunno about the rbk vs. ccm... but since rbk bought them and a lot of their stuff is paralell... i could see them fitting the same

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is the rbk helmet like the CCM helmet? I have a Bauer 8000 right now and I HATE it with a passion, the side adjustments loosen all by them selves, which wasn't comfy when I got nailed in front of the net and landed on my head and the side adjustments loosened.. :angry: but the CCM helmet gave me headaches (pressed to much on temples) so I'm lookin' to trade in the bauer 8000(or throw it away) lol.. for a new helmet as well.. how about the ol' Itech100? or Bauer 5000.. are the side adj. better made then the 5000? tia

Well, the Itech 100 are screw-type adjustment...so it won't come loose. Compared to the seemingly far more fragile 5000 tool-less adjustment system...

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Bauer 4500 Helmet will have 2 more ridges on the top of the helmet, new foam combination (1 red thin foam liner, 1 grey thin to back up the 1 main white foam liner).

new foams are what's different about this helmet + added ridges

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