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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MSH Skate on Friday

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Hey, i read that there will be a skate with a lot of MSH members on friday, which will be funny (at least i guess so).

Can someone (or even more) bring a digitalcamera with them and take some photos ?


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Ya some video would be cool too.....I cant wait to see JR dangle the shit outta everyone :P

Unless in this case, "dangle" meant drink, then yes, JR will "dangle" the sh$t outta everyone.

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KInda far to come from T.O , if I was not working I would do it !

Have fun !

We're working on something for TO for later in the year

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KInda far to come from T.O , if I was not working I would do it !

Have fun !

We're working on something for TO for later in the year

You mean next year? :D ;)

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KInda far to come from T.O , if I was not working I would do it !

Have fun !

We're working on something for TO for later in the year

You mean next year? :D ;)

Nope, sometime between the 30th and the end of the year. :rolleyes:

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Ahhh gotcha...gotta schedule one for the East Coast sometime next year!!! My puny body would be down for it

Yea!! Anywhere between DC and NY.

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Why don't we just have an MSH skate in every state. MSH: 50 States in 50 Days

I'm pretty sure I'd be going solo here in Oregon. The only other guy on here that I know who was from Oregon has gone missing or something.

Speaking of that, anybody remember Razor from CB?

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Why don't we just have an MSH skate in every state.  MSH: 50 States in 50 Days

I'm pretty sure I'd be going solo here in Oregon. The only other guy on here that I know who was from Oregon has gone missing or something.

Speaking of that, anybody remember Razor from CB?

Wasn't he in WA? I haven't heard from him in ages.

And no need to even touch the South, I can't imagine how many members live/are sentenced down here.

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Why don't we just have an MSH skate in every state.  MSH: 50 States in 50 Days

I'm pretty sure I'd be going solo here in Oregon. The only other guy on here that I know who was from Oregon has gone missing or something.

Speaking of that, anybody remember Razor from CB?

Wasn't he in WA? I haven't heard from him in ages.

And no need to even touch the South, I can't imagine how many members live/are sentenced down here.

Yeah, he went to/played for WSU.

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Why don't we just have an MSH skate in every state. MSH: 50 States in 50 Days

Cuz I ain't paying $120 to skate by myself.


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