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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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just broke my XXX lite this morning

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Inno hasn't made blades for Bauer since the first year of XX and X blades. The newer blades have a thick clearcoat and are heavier, while the older ones are the same matte finish as Inno and Hespeler F4 blades.

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Yeah, its interesting, Inno doesn't make the stick for them anymore.

Inno made their XX shafts for them and those are not very durable either, so I'm not sure that Inno is necessarily synonymous with durability.

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i ordered the stick from great skate and they told me i had to call bauer so i guess i have to keep trying but it kinda rediculous that no one answers the phone there for 4 hours strait

Some companies are taking the whole week between Xmas and New Year's off.

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yeah i called it and said welcome to bauer nike hockey, then went into the warrenty replacement option but no one answered the phone, it just rang until the machine picked up.

yeah if u could get that warrenty info from your wife that would be awesome!!! becuase im stuck right now

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Finally got home-forgot I had to meet her for dinner after work.

It says: blah-blah 30 day warranty blah blah

blah blah

How to return your defective stick/shaft

option 1: return the stick/shaft to your local sporting goods dealer where the original purchase was made. the store will be authorized on behalf of bauer nike hockey to determine the cause of breakage and replace the stick if covered under warranty. the dealer will contact bnh on your behalf & have a replacement shipped to the store or your choice of destination. if the dealer is unable to determine the cause, they may choose to return the stick to bnh for further determination.

option 2: blah blah call 1-888-509-6875 m-f 8:30-4:30 to obtain return authorization & address. blah blah.

sorry about all the blahs, but I'm a slow typer & there's a lot of mumbo jumbo. If you want to pm me your email, I'll scan it & send it to you. Its a pretty blurry copy though.

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I really have a problem with the XX and XXX OPS , the XX has a very weak blade that chips very quickly and the XXX, I broke 2 in 2 games , both hit by shots, Not the best OPS I have used.

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No comment. Don't want to be labeled as "anti-bauer". Oh wait, I already have been. :o

I will say though, it amazes me how folks will break a stick over and over and continue to buy that same brand/model.

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yeah ive tried everything and its useless.

i was wondering... whenever i get my new xxx lite back from bauer do you think that i could send it back to greatskate and get my money back and get a new stick cuz if its going to break that easy i want something different, or is that a wrong thing to do?

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well i dont know about bauer, but easton will have a bit WARRANTY REPLACEMENT stamped across the back, and i don tthink the shop will believe you had brought it but never used it, especially if you have called up saying that it has broken already

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greatskate is the worst store around for warrenty. kid on our team oredered 3 xxs, broke them all under 30 days, took him forever to get info from greatskate. it was so bad our coach had to call them to get things in line, bad CS.

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