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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hefter Evolution Helmet

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From reading Puckmugger's review, I think he meant that he was able to look over the helmet but didn't have the opportunity to skate with it.

I did miss the part about him handling it, but what he was looking at was a prototype. It's no secret that a product prototype may undergo several modifications before it makes it to production.

Anyways, good to hear the helmet is not dead yet.

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At the show last year we all had a chance to look at it, under glass. Hopefully the lid is better than the company that tried to sell it. That "review" is just further justification for my opinion of him.

Chadd, he's buddies with one of the principles of Hefter. That probably lead to three things:

1) He's probably had shoot-the-breeze sessions with Hefter, giving some of his wish list for a helmet.

2) He most likely was able to "look at" the helmet outside of the glass.

3) He gave a positive review. However, I know Scott (Puckmugger) well enough to know that he's willing to give a negative review. Thus, although his review may be more positive than it would be otherwise, due to their friendship, I'm fairly confident he would have just passed on writing anything if he didn't like the helmet.

I'm telling you, I've talked with both of you numerous time, and you and Scott are more alike than you realize! :D

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Let's see what my boy comes up with...I've been talking to him for a few months now...he's going to unveil it at the show.

Just talked to Marc - they are not done with it. He's going to hold off and not do what Hefter did - present an uncertified helmet. It will be sent to CSA/HECC for certification next month, then market it from there.

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I have talked with hockeyskates.ca a few times over the last few months as I wanted to order the helmet. Their suppier listed it for delivery late October, and than the launch keep getting pushed back. Last I talked with them a couple weeks ago they said we won't see the helmet this season.

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I have talked with hockeyskates.ca a few times over the last few months as I wanted to order the helmet. Their suppier listed it for delivery late October, and than the launch keep getting pushed back. Last I talked with them a couple weeks ago they said we won't see the helmet this season.

Hefter sold off the helmet.

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Ok, I'll PM you then!!! =)

Nah...I can wait a day...thanks! But promise after Saturday you'll give up the goods on when and where we can get em!! =)

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its franklin, actually. They are planning on relaunching their hockey line... <spill>beans</spill>

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its franklin, actually.  They are planning on relaunching their hockey line... <spill>beans</spill>

No, you're wrong. It's Cooper, Ferland and Daoust teaming up to bring you the new helmet. The new company is going to be called Daoferperland.

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Is it Easton, Bauer, reebok, ccm, mission,itech, jofa,sherwood or none of the above  :P


Yeah, It's Mission when they have the Intake, Rbk when they have the 8k and new 6k (coming spring), NBH when they have their entire ginormous lineup, Itech because they got bought by Rbk...

This leaves Easton and CCM as possibles. Take your pick.

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My guess is Easton, as they're one of the main manufacturers but don't have a helmet in their lineup yet. And I rememeber all the times Guru said "No comments" on the Easton board when people asked if Easton will make a helmet. So I would think they will finally offer one now.

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