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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor xx gloves

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i've got my vapor xx gloves, after about a season or so of use, they are starting to smell kinda...funky...

is it possible for me to just hand wash these with some detergent, air dry em, and not have to worry about the palms getting crusty like leather?

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i dunno about the washing, it might have a label inside about washing... but another option might be de-smell spray... im not sure what to call it but they make this spray stuff that makes ur pads smell nice... never used it... but my friend does and it seems to work...

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Use Funk-Free...I guarentee it will take the smell out of them...Use it everyday and generously spray them down and let them air dry or dry with cool air flow....Major props to Funk-Free for this amazing product!

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I washed my Pro Tacks...worked excellent...different palms tho...

smell came out and smelled like my cleaner,

I washed them by hand , wow what came out....

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I hand washed my Eastons. They then smelt worse.

I'd use the machine, but my mother would kill me.


Time for new gloves! :D :P

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i put them in the dish washer, it works great but don't leave it on the dry cycle or else they will be ruined.the only thing is it takes about 2 days for them to completly dry

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I put my gloves in the wash and the smell came straight back lol! Just air em out and use febreze.

That's because water was trapped inside and that provides a haven for new bacteria growth. Washing is never good.

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