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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Team USA Socks

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I remember tighter-fitting jerseys from way back ie the 60's but not in spandex. :o Seems their trying to reinvent the wheele here what's next?...a comeback of Cooperall in spandex???

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As someone experienced in aerodynamics, I can believe the material reduces drag. To what degree to be effective is another thing. Does anyone have access to the "unbiased" test results, and the exact variables used to determine the 20 inch gain over 150 feet? It'd be interesting to see. Drag does slow you down. Just like to see how it was measured in regards to real-world hockey.

P.S, I now sell a wax that you buff your helmet, gloves, face, skates and stick with. It reduced drag big time and will make you go faster. Mail checks to Jimmy. Mail before midnite and I get it faster! :D

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I've always worn a jersey thats been two sizes too big. I like the loose fit and I just tuck in one side so my glove doesn't get caught(respects to the great one). I've never really noticed drag or anything. With aerodynamic jerseys, how long will it be until D-men blame a breakaway on wind resistance or wingers can't catch up to a pass and blame it on aerodynamic problems. LOL

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Saw this in today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

Q: As many fans have surely noticed, CCM has been bought by Reebok, which is now supplying NHL uniforms. I recently read that Reebok is planning on changing the uniforms to "sleek," form-fitting uniforms. Please tell me this is a rumor and that Reebok would not have the audacity to mess with the great tradition of the hockey "sweater."

Doug Ferguson of Marlton, N.J.

MOLINARI: I could tell you what you want to hear, but there's one tiny hitch: It wouldn't be correct. The overhaul of NHL uniforms is planned for the start of the 2006-07 season.

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LOL Jimmy! You joke, but if the idea of aerodynamic hockey equipment takes hold, I guarentee that you will see helmet polish being marketed.

There is nothing wrong with innovation, I'm glad companies do innovate. As long as that innovation is in an area that makes sense. And I don't think the aerodynamics of socks is an area that makes sense. Give me socks that are more tear resistant and more breathable. Give me socks with a built in elastic band to hold my shin pads in place. Don't give me socks with less drag. That's not useful to me. I play in the real world not a wind tunnel.

I honestly think these socks and jerseys are just a backdoor way to change how the game looks. Sorry Nike, I want a hockey player to look like a hockey player not a soccer player.

With aerodynamic jerseys, how long will it be until D-men blame a breakaway on wind resistance

I've heard of goalies blaming d-men for breaking wind, is that the same thing?

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I think these socks are made of the same material as the socks that whitebear produces. This company is quite succesfull at making custom team outfits at least in Germany.


So I don't think nike has been as inventive as they think they are

Anyone know of someone like this in the US?

I want a custom colored pant shell...

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i like the new look personally, though the vertical stripes are retarded.

Politically incorrect, but 100% right. I watched a period of the first Canada game on the Center Ice package and they had socks that the stripes were horizontal. To quote Cheech Marin in the movie Up in Smoke, " we all ought to wear something different, but you know, like the same....."

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i REALLY don't like the look of the vertical stripes, but the tight fitting look isn't so bad, but i can't see it feeling very good. I always hate the feel of brand new socks because they are so tight, i can't imagine how these are. <_<

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I thought I read that when the Canadian Olympic team and World Junior team were demo-ing these uniforms in the summer that they said that the socks and jersey's were slippery and that when they fell on the ice that they slid around too much. I'm sure that they have altered them since then.

I personally like the looks of the new stuff. Except for the vertical stripes on the USA socks. Canada's socks have been fixed. I think the vertical stripes might be better if there was a stripe down the back as well. Clearly they put a vertical stripe on the socks to match the vertical stripes on the jerseys though. I think that they need to change things over time. Personally I like the way jerseys and epuipment look today better than the way they looked twenty or thirty years ago. The new supreme 90 gloves are sweet. Almost bionic hand looking. The Synergy skates, Vapor XXX skates and One90 skates are slick looking too and the new mission intake lid is really nice. Sticks are another example. The Synergy SL and Vapor XXX lite are alot nicer looking than the original Synergy or any woody.

There will always be traditionalists that like the old stuff better, but they won't stop the manufacturers from making the new stuff. Most of the time the new stuff is better than the old. Just my opinion.

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these socks quite common around europe and they are the same material as the shirts , but you have to have the correct sizing so im guessing that USA guy has them slightly on the small side

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I have some socks that are similar to these. Made of the same material as the Jerseys. I like them because they are so much lighter in weight than regular socks. However, they are slightly less durable. Also, you need to get the right sizing because they don't stretch as much as regular socks.

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these socks quite common around europe and they are the same material as the shirts , but you have to have the correct sizing so im guessing that USA guy has them slightly on the small side

This is incorrect, the ones you are thinking of arent like the canadian/usa ones. they are a certain size and are not stretchy.

The team USA/Canada ones, are tight to the shin pad and stretchy, unlike the shirt material ones.

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I have some socks that are similar to these. Made of the same material as the Jerseys. I like them because they are so much lighter in weight than regular socks. However, they are slightly less durable. Also, you need to get the right sizing because they don't stretch as much as regular socks.

you may be thinking of the polymesh socks avalible from Philly Express


if not, where did you get those socks? Id like to get my hands on a couple pairs.

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The polymesh socks are great for the warmer rinks. But theres nothing worse than a 5 am practice with them on, coooooold, well at least for the first few laps

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Was there a thinner or more breathable section of material down the back of the socks? It may have just appeared that way, but I thought that's what I saw.

I don't mind the vertical stripes, and I'm an 'older guy'. Maybe we'll see some interesting (not necessarily good) uniform designs?

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Anybody know an OHS that is selling these? I plan on getting a replica home and away USA jersey... maybe a Canada away as well since I play on "Red Zepplin" (no 'e') and we all wear red colored jerseys. There's like 4 Canadians on my team and they all have the same jersey.. I feel left out. :)

Also, does CCM make a color matched version to the USA and Canadian jerseys.. or do I just need to "sorta match" with like NYR or Detroit socks?



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I know it's a little off the subject, but the idea behind the new tighter jerseys and socks isn't just aerodynamics. They are made partly with dri-fit, nylon, and spandex. They are lighter, breathe better, and dry while playing. They need to be tighter to accomplish these things. Just think of what a jersey or sock made of Under Armour material would be like. I think they are a great idea and a welcome advancement. Soooo tired of my jersey weighing 5 pounds from sweat when the game is over. Before they really go widespread however, I think they'll make them a little bigger fitting. The replica jerseys that are available from icejerseys.com, etc. are NOT the same as these. They are the old materials that just look like the new ones. The new "swift" jerseys cost nearly $300 a piece according to an article I read a while back. Here is a recent article about them:

Nike Swift Jerseys

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I know it's a little off the subject, but the idea behind the new tighter jerseys and socks isn't just aerodynamics. They are made partly with dri-fit, nylon, and spandex. They are lighter, breathe better, and dry while playing. They need to be tighter to accomplish these things. Just think of what a jersey or sock made of Under Armour material would be like. I think they are a great idea and a welcome advancement. Soooo tired of my jersey weighing 5 pounds from sweat when the game is over. Before they really go widespread however, I think they'll make them a little bigger fitting. The replica jerseys that are available from icejerseys.com, etc. are NOT the same as these. They are the old materials that just look like the new ones. The new "swift" jerseys cost nearly $300 a piece according to an article I read a while back. Here is a recent article about them:

Nike Swift Jerseys

Usually when I sweat it gets into my shirt and maybe my pads. My jersey is never soaked with sweat, the other layers tend to absorb the moisture before it gets close to my jersey. You can make the material breathe without being skin tight.

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