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XXX lite breakage

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4 lites on our team, all 4 broke right arround the name bar. we also have a ton of people coming back in saying "today was the 1st day... cant i just have a new one?" and sure enough, its broken at the handle. is this just a bad batch, or is it pretty common other places as well?

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Just go buy more Bauer sticks, yup that's the ticket.

When will you folks learn, anything with xlite in the name means ZERO durability!

Bauer has not had good luck with their sticks. The XX had "bad batch" problems too. SL or Xlite, same results. Instead use a stick like the Salming, you will be surprised at performance and durability. I have had only one Salming that has returned for breakage, and it was a Jr stick, and not even fully broken. Not one G1 or TF1 I have sold has broken. Same for the RBK sticks. Only one with premature breakage. I'm finding customer are getting fed up with premature breaking. Sooner or later, the S&%$ is going to hit the fan and rebellion will occur.

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So you'd say to stay away from SL's. But damn that SL Iggy curve 85 flex looked real nice... Though, I don't break sticks much, because I don't catch much ice on slappers at all. That and I don't slash.

Edit: Slash much... that's better.

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So you'd say to stay away from SL's. But damn that SL Iggy curve 85 flex looked real nice... Though, I don't break sticks much, because I don't catch much ice on slappers at all. That and I don't slash.

Edit: Slash much... that's better.

I didn't break sticks at all until I switched to the high performance one piece sticks. I've broken a Stealth in about 35 days, a Si-Core in 5 minutes, another Si-Core in a week, and a Synergy Grip in 30 days. Before that, my sticks would last months, sometimes even years.

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Wow that sucks that everybodys XXX Lites are breaking right away. I bought mine on November 5th and have been using it for 3-5 times a weeks since then. My stick is still going strong, the only damage I see is the stickers falling off. The XXX Lite is my favorite stick out of all of the sticks I have used so far.

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So you'd say to stay away from SL's. But damn that SL Iggy curve 85 flex looked real nice... Though, I don't break sticks much, because I don't catch much ice on slappers at all. That and I don't slash.

Edit: Slash much... that's better.

Mine didn't last long enough to take a slapper.

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mine broke right where the shaft starts to turn into the blade, like where the fuse point would be on a fused stick like the original synergy.... it broke on a 1 timer i catch a ton of ice... 102 flex too and it just snappppped

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When will you folks learn, anything with xlite in the name means ZERO durability!

Bauer has not had good luck with their sticks.  The XX had "bad batch" problems too. SL or Xlite, same results.  Instead use a stick like the Salming, you will be surprised at performance and durability.  I have had only one Salming that has returned for breakage, and it was a Jr stick, and not even fully broken.  Not one G1 or TF1 I have sold has broken.

Thanks, Jimmy.

I've had conversations with Rikard this week regarding the 2006 models and he said Salming wants to become known for its durability. They feel we're probably close to how light sticks will be on the market, so it's important to concentrate on durability.

For instance, the 2006 TF1 will have a slash guard internally around the fuse point (I think). It adds a tiny bit of weight but it should increase the durability tremendously.

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2 guys on my team use them and they love um. No breakage yet (but then again, both got them for christmas and have only had them for 2 practices.)

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Maybe if some of the women didn't want something 10g less, but it's apparently a big difference and selling point for some. Suckers. I think they're called suckers.

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dam guys! youve all put me completly off the xxx lite. i was gonna order 1 but all these complaints! im just going to go to 2 peice instead.

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My XN10's blade got stepped on and other than a little chip in the clear coat and a small bit into the graphite, nothing. I also only have paint marks on it from other sticks and pucks.

It's doing fine and I've had it a month.

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Maybe if some of the women didn't want something 10g less, but it's apparently a big difference and selling point for some. Suckers. I think they're called suckers.

I did not buy the XXX Lite over the regular XXX because it is 10 grams lighter. I originally intended on buying the regular XXX but the pro shop didn't have my pattern (PM9 87 Flex). Then I saw the Vapor XXX Lite with the pattern I wanted and it was $10 cheaper than the regular XXX, so I bought it.

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Anyone see the XXX Lite snap right in half off of a hack from some American in the World Junior game tonight?

Can't remember the two players but the Canada stick broke and it was behind the net.

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These stick that are breaking near the name bar, are you guys using composite end plugs? I remember that when the Stealths and SL's came out that alot of people using the composite endplugs were breaking the stick in that area between the hands. The Easton rep for my LHS said not to use them. I've been through about 5 SL's and Stealths in about a year period, but all broke in the blade. I usually cut my stick about 2 inches and don't use an endplug.

Someone on the board weighed a Vapor XXX Lite and a regular XXX and said that they were exactly the same. 437gm if I remember correctly. I didn't like the XXX I had that much, but I will say that it was more durable than the SL's I've had. I just like the SL's performance more and I can get them for cheap right now.

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I just got one tuesday at the red wings game, it was a jamie rivers game used, but I dont think he ever used it. I only paid 50$ for it so I got a preety good deal.

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