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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XXX lite breakage

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Question, I've had my XXX-Lite a week and some of the glossy epoxy finish has chipped off of the bottom of the heel (blade). Is this going to be a problem, and can I remedy this quickly by putting some fiberglass epoxy onto it and sanding it flush again?

I love the feel this stick has and I really don't want it to break on me.

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Maybe if some of the women didn't want something 10g less, but it's apparently a big difference and selling point for some.  Suckers.  I think they're called suckers.

As much as I love to take the opposing side of an argument to my esteemed fellow MSHer, Mack, I have to agree on this point.

Does 10 grams really mean that much? It's like the weight of a slice of bread!

I think the bottom line is that ALL OPSs have durability issues. Yes, some last longer than others. But they all suck. If a stick lasts 3 - 6 months we consider ourselves lucky.

Nobody should expect any durability with a OPS. You buy it for performance, you buy it for weight. But if you think you're spending 200 for a tank...get 2 or 3 good shafts instead.

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2 guys on my team use them and they love um. No breakage yet (but then again, both got them for christmas and have only had them for 2 practices.)

I spoke a little too soon.

One broke the first game back at point where blade/shaft come together and the other broke the blade almost cleanly in half. He threw the rest of the stick into the crowd and got ejected from the game :mellow:

On a side note.. my sherwood momentum 85 has now lasted me 2 seasons (but is seeing less and less icetime as my lighter/stiffer Harrow V3 gets some attention).

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I think the bottom line is that ALL OPSs have durability issues. Yes, some last longer than others. But they all suck. If a stick lasts 3 - 6 months we consider ourselves lucky.

I don't believe that is necessarily true.

I'd estimate that I know at least thirty guys that I skate with whose G1 or TF1 lasted well over six months, while at least ten have lasted fifteen months now. Most of the these guys skate two to three times a week, but we all play rec hockey, so there are less collisions or slashing than many MSHers face.

Companies can make their sticks more durable but there are two factors to be considered. 1) Players often want the latest and greatest; in the world of sticks, that means lightest. 2) The cost of materials for more durable sticks is higher. Thus, if players buy the lighter sticks over slightly heavier ones, then manufacturers can't fight the tide and put as much into the production the more durable models.

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Weight, durability, performance, price, pick one. If you're lucky you can get two.


you cant have you cake and eat it too...

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Weight, durability, performance, price, pick one. If you're lucky you can get two.

i'd say pick two, but getting 3 is basically impossible.

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Weight, durability, performance, price, pick one. If you're lucky you can get two.

Well said, Chadd. Can't agree more.

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Weight, durability, performance, price, pick one. If you're lucky you can get two.

i'd say pick two, but getting 3 is basically impossible.

As long as weight isn't one of them you can pick more than one.

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Weight, durability, performance, price, pick one. If you're lucky you can get two.

I think i hit the nail with all of those with my Retail RBK 6k OPS. Perfect Weight(470g),Great Durability(Had since 1/05),Good Price($145 USD),Great Performance. Just got a small crack on the blade recently.

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i was just going to make a bold statement yesterday in making a convo saying my 3 xxx lite was lasting strong but today broke in the same spot as the other 2 (right at the xxx on the top near the bottom),,butim very happy with it lasting a month even ( for me thats a long time) and will continue to buy them

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Stealths, XXX-Lites, Adrenalines... All wicked light and performance sticks. You just won't get the durability with them.

actually i have had my stealth for around 4-5 months right now. i consider it pretty durable seeing as my synergy broke in 2 months

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Besides my AC breaking in 3 games by a slapshot to the blade, I havent had too many durability isues with sticks...THey have been good to me (knock on wood)...I think you can pick 3 from that list for the R+...Weight, durability and preformance

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4 months? Damn, don't do much poke checking do you?

i play defense

tons of poke checking, and body checking. play hockey 4 times a week. its amazing how long it has lasted

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had my xxx lite since december and still going strong. Blade is still stiff and i've taken plenty of slapshots with it, got my stick slashed, banged into the post and boards and all i see is black marks and a small chip on the backside of my blade.. heck the graphics are still in place.

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Just put my hand through the shaft of my xxx-lite on a shot......lasted about 40 days. My backup is an xxx-lite too though so we'll see if that lasts any longer. I'm going for an L-2 next. Aparrently they're like tanks for durability.

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Bad one Dave!

The L2s are pretty good for durability. I havent got to use mine as much as I'd like though due to injuries but with the use it has got its held up really well. Also the fact it comes with a spare blade is a good deal.

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mine broke right where the shaft starts to turn into the blade, like where the fuse point would be on a fused stick like the original synergy.... it broke on a 1 timer i catch a ton of ice... 102 flex too and it just snappppped

mine broke in a very similar spot i had only used it maybe 5 or 6 times and got a huge crack there i sent it back and got a new one I like the stick but i dont think this one will hold up long either

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