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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pitch steel

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I was stating the difference between perforated steel and scalloped steel. That being said, I have never seen a pair of CCMs break at the scallop. Easton is a different story altogether.

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I was stating the difference between perforated steel and scalloped steel. That being said, I have never seen a pair of CCMs break at the scallop. Easton is a different story altogether.

The CCM scallops tend to bend a lot. Usually they don't have the mounting issues that NBH and Graf have so the bending is generally post-purchase.

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Chadd is correct about CCM durability, I have never had to replace a broken CCM scalloped steel. Not even one. I wouldn't say they bend a lot or any more than other steel from blocking shots, etc, but bends can easily be taken out.

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Didnt want to start a new topic for that question:

How does unsharpened Pitch steel look like? Are the edges completely flat? (as if they were sharpened but without any hollow?) Or are they rough as custom+ or LS-steel when new?

I bought brand new mission skates on ebay and the guy said he tried em once. When i got the skates i checked if they were already sharpened. But i couldnt tell . They were like this: |_|. no hollow at all.

Just for fun i tried to skate in them bevor getting them sharpened. it felt realy wired .. if the steel doesnt come like this when new .. who would want a sharpening like this?

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They look like they were swiped once. It is not like Tuuk or CCM.

Believe it or not people think that they are sharpened...I see it all the time - especially on pond rockets.

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I would think that more surface on the ice distributes weight better than less...therefore you have more glide. That would mirror my personal experience. Prior to Mission, I was on Tuuks. Glide improved greatly with a contour to 11"

It's like speedskates...kind of look like they have contour fast approaching infinity, and those things glide very well.

I would have also thought that glide was a bigger factor in radius determination.

Increases push, yes. Increases straight-line speed, yes. Decreases potential sharpness of turn.

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I recently got a pair of the new fuels. These are my first experiece with mission skates and they are working out great except the steel had flat spots on both blades close to the toe. Once I had them radiused the spot was gone.

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I would think that more surface on the ice distributes weight better than less...therefore you have more glide. That would mirror my personal experience. Prior to Mission, I was on Tuuks. Glide improved greatly with a contour to 11"

It's like speedskates...kind of look like they have contour fast approaching infinity, and those things glide very well.

I would have also thought that glide was a bigger factor in radius determination.

Increases push, yes. Increases straight-line speed, yes. Decreases potential sharpness of turn.

There are a combination of factors in determining radius, glide usually isn't one of them. It is more based on balance, skating style, playing style, and somewhat on position. I say somewhat because even though I play defense in one of my leagues, I still ride a 10' radius.

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