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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf Great "Whites"

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You might get a little ribbing about the colour in the dressing room but if their Graf their probably great skates so I say go for them if you want them.

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That style is called the White Lightning, or something along those lines I believe.

yeah, white lightnings. ive never seen a pair of WL 707's... then again i dont know if ive ever seen custom 707's at all.

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those arent great whites, or white lightnings... a while ago they came out with a 703/704 that was all white except for the neon yellow graph logo...and also were emblazoned witha lightning bolt...a yellow lightning bolt.

The great whites are similar.. but are colored similarly to the 502 s.e.'s...if you journey on down to the factory.. they mite still have a pair of each lying around for you to look at...that is where i first saw them

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Dmitry Lemtyugov on the Russian Junior team had Black Widow's one day, then spraypainted them white (from what i saw, at least the next day his skates were all white). They were dirty

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hmmm... preeettttyyy sure that graf cant make white toe caps. i played with a kid who had "white lightnings", all white 704/703 skates, but he couldnt get white toe caps, so his were std black. nastiest looking skates ever. his feet looked soo huge and floppy in them. disgusting. but i am a huge fan of the standard black widow or great white style 703s. those are premo. anyone see schremp's skates on usa for world jr?

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^^... yep, team those skates with the pink stick that Wickenheiser was using for women's team Canada and you'd have something going on.... Might even go to Mia and get all white gloves.... :D

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