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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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this is f-ing brilliant

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here's something i just wrote up:


10) Frequent 50% off sales

9) Usually, sticks last more than a week

8) Feel free to test out a stick before buying it

7) Your stick wont mind if you hit other guys with it

6) You dont get slapped for touching your new stick before it's emotionally ready

5) You get to pick the curves

4) Many models to choose from

3) Dont like the length? Cut it down!

2) No one minds when you bring 3 home at the same time

1) It will never turn you down when you want to play with it

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haha, another reason this is great

I've had girls tell me, all I care about is hockey :unsure:

(*number 11* :lol:)

Sticks dont mind if you use them

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hey jackal jte pensais pas dememe lollll ta un ptit coté testostérone en toi?(you know the macho doctor who play in this show) i can't remember his name

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hey jackal jte pensais pas dememe lollll ta un ptit coté testostérone en toi?(you know the macho doctor who play in this show) i can't remember his name

"Le Coeur a ses raisons"?

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hey jackal jte pensais pas dememe lollll ta un ptit coté testostérone en toi?(you know the macho doctor who play in this show) i can't remember his name

you lost me at "jte" :blink:

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