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Doug Flutie's Dropkick

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dropkick is when a person drops the ball and the ball hits the ground(if the ball didnt hit the ground it would be considered as a punt) then the person kicks it

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When Flutie first lined up way beyond the line, Miami quickly called a timeout, figuring NE was going to try a two-point conversion. Then Flutie lined up again and kicked it clean through. Everybody was jumping for joy, since they all must have known how long it had been since someone had made a dropkick.

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I don't see what the big deal is.  There's a reason that nobody's tried it since 1941.

I think it captures why we watch sports -- something different/magical/inspiring/disgusting could occur. Because, no matter what the level, you might see something you've never seen before.

In this case, it was a dropkick that hadn't happened for 64 years.

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I think it might have something to do with Doug possiblt retiring. So they figured why not cap off his great career.

His great CFL career? He's done it before the in CFL (I think).

And a drop kick is only worth 1 pt.

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Why not just kick the extra point the normal way?

with flutie droping back like he did, he has the option of throwing it for two or just kicking the one.

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I think it might have something to do with Doug possiblt retiring. So they figured why not cap off his great career.

His great CFL career? He's done it before the in CFL (I think).

And a drop kick is only worth 1 pt.

He did have a great CFL career, he simply dominated the CFL and had a great college career, though im not so fimilar with his college days. He sure is popular in the boston area, if im not mistaken, he is one of the more popular players on New england from his days with boston college i think it was, mostly to do with last second win where he bombed it into the endzone.

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Also im not sure if he did it in cfl, I never seen that. But I was pretty young when he was in the cfl, so you probably have a better idea then me

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