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What are the best lifts for hockey players to do?

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ok i am a big guy 6-1, 185 I really have been working on my speed lately, i have ran, squats, bike, lunges, leg curls, leg extensions. They have seemed to be working. but i was just wondering if you guys can suggest some other things that help increase your speed on the ice.

What are some good lifts for a better snap/slap shot.

i bench 255 i have a really hard shot I just wanna get it that little more extra umph.

Thank You


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For speed, I recommend toning your leg muscles. I'd recommend plyometrics - excellent workout. Try and do three 30 second sets every 2 days.

For wrist/snap shots, all I can say is practise your shots but usually, the power of these shots come from that wrist flick so work on wrist flexibility and forearms.

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which wrist curl? isnt there like up ,down and sides?

not meaning to threadjack but what are chest excersises you can do without weights

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I forgot to say and for speed do plyo's they really help alot and you more speed and power in skating, I do Squat Jumps,Lunge Jumps,Lateral Jumps over a box, Depth Jumps,Tuck Jumps,Lateral Bounding,and 1 leg jumps onto box.

And what exercises should I do for upper body, because I know what to do for legs and core Im just not positive what is the best for upper body for hockey.

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Genetically my calfs are tiny...I've done a lot of work on them and they are a lot stronger now, but any other recomendations i can do without weights aside from just normal raises?

good questions, i guess i'm doing a little threadjacking too <_< sorry

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Powerskating makes me more sore than lifting weights! Our team had a tough session last night and i woke up this morning with my legs killing me!

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Then it's working...

Make sure you're eating well or taking some form of recovery drink so your muscles can quickly repair themselves. This, along with proper stetching before/after is extremely important.

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what are off balance pushups?

...A whole lot of fun...

If #94 is referring to the "Off-Balance Push-Ups" that I know and love, you're probably not going to like them - but they work.

Find an elevated area over a flat surface (chair/stairs over a floor, for example). Get yourself into a push-up position with your hands on the floor and your feet up on whatever it is that is above your hands. Now, do your push-ups (correct form a must!)

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there are a lot of ways to do off balence pushups...you could try them with only using one foot, or doing them on like any type of balence board. It's just meant to make push-ups more difficult.

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Then it's working...

Make sure you're eating well or taking some form of recovery drink so your muscles can quickly repair themselves. This, along with proper stetching before/after is extremely important.

here's some other good questions..what type of recovery drinks do you think are good? A lot of my football player buddies drink creatine during school after lifting...

Also, my old trainer was telling me to drink protein shakes after working out, does protein in any way slow me down on the ice at all as far as quickness?

Thanks :D

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yeah i'd like to do know that too, i started lifting and drinking a 100% whey protein stuff..for how much it costs I hope it works. Do you guys drink it before or after, how long before, how quickly after?

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Do you guys drink it before or after, how long before, how quickly after?

I usually suck-down a protein shake after my workout. I read somewhere that it is the nutrients consumed in the 45 minutes following a workout that go to re-build the tears in the muscle tissue.

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100% Whey is great stuff, but I would recommend a carb/protein drink called Endurox.

Drinking the shake IMMEDIATELY following your workout is excellent. The general time frame that athletes have to work with is 15-60 minutes following a workout. Actually, though, consuming directly after is truely the best.

And with the off-balance push-ups, I usually use a balance ball. I put one foot on the ball and the other off to the side in mid air, making sure my core is nice and stable (tight) so I don't lose balance, then execute the push-up, then switch legs. These are also known as "Spiderman Push-Ups."

That's just one, I know a few more that are just as effective...

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And with the off-balance push-ups, I usually use a balance ball. I put one foot on the ball and the other off to the side in mid air, making sure my core is nice and stable (tight) so I don't lose balance, then execute the push-up, then switch legs. These are also known as "Spiderman Push-Ups."

Yeah #94 those work really good,and you can do medicine ball push-ups,with one hand on the medicine ball and the other on the ground.

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It is hard to beat Olympic lifting to get explosive strength and get the entire body involved. It is a little tricky to do it right, so you definitely need an instructor to show you how to do them safely and to get the most benefit.

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