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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Ringer is pretty good, not the best, but still worth seeing. I was laughing my ass off at the end. Johnny Knoxville could have been funnier, but the other characters are hilarious.

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I went out to see "Just Friends" on friday! Funnyest movie i have seen in ages! Has some hockey scenes in it also! One of them will make u laugh till u cry! :lol:

Gr8 Movie! (Keep in mind i am from the UK and its just come out over here) <_<

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i seen just friends before christmas and i thoguth it was good. as for hostial a few guys on my team seen it and they said it was the grossest thing theyve seen, alos said the movie people had to clean up 6 puddles of puke before the late show.

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I went out to see "Just Friends" on friday! Funnyest movie i have seen in ages! Has some hockey scenes in it also! One of them will make u laugh till u cry! :lol:

Gr8 Movie! (Keep in mind i am from the UK and its just come out over here) <_<

That movie was shot in my city, the rinks are from here aswell.

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On a side note, anyone here seen Hostel? Reviews on it?

I wanted to, but then when a friend who went to see it said "Saw II was better..." I decided it'll be cable-worthy.

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I haven't seen the Ringer yet, but I really want to.

P.S. Just Friends, who is in that? I dont know if I have seen that or not :huh:

200th POST!!!!!!!!! :D :lol:

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The Ringer is hilarious.

"When the f!@# did we get ice cream? I didn't get any ice cream. Did you get ice cream?" The ringer was pretty funny. Plus it has Katherine Heigel--Giggiddy giggidy.

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I went out to see "Just Friends" on friday! Funnyest movie i have seen in ages! Has some hockey scenes in it also! One of them will make u laugh till u cry!  :lol:

Gr8 Movie! (Keep in mind i am from the UK and its just come out over here) <_<

That movie was shot in my city, the rinks are from here aswell.

What city is that?

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Hostel was pretty brutal IMO. Definitely one of the more graphic movies I have seen in a while. It was a decent movie though. Saw King Kong last week, it was pretty good, I had no idea it was more then 3 hours long though. I enjoyed Syriana, but I wouldn't see go see it if you plan on going with a bunch of friends that like to talk through the whole movie. You need to pay close attention or you will end up just being confused.

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i really want to see Hostel...and Grandma's boy because i'm biased towards Adam sandler(his production company)...

also isn't south park sueing The Ringer for ripping off their episode or something?

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I happened to see Hostel last night. The torture after it gets past the porno section is brutal. I can say the last torture scene was pretty gross. Overall I liked it but can't compare it to Saw II as I haven't seen it.

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Well i know this movie wont be ideal for everyone but "Brokeback Mountain" seems to be getting gr8 reviews everwhere. But i doubt thats the kinda movie any of us big bad hockey players wanna go and see! :huh:

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My brother saw Hostel and said it was amazing, also Grandma's boy looks hilarious ill probalby see it this weekend and leave a post.

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God I wish I was home. I've been away from home for six months, and I saw Wedding Crashers before I left - where I am now, it just came out this past weekend. <_<


i dont even know if wedding crashers is still in the theatres in my area.

you guys have to get with the times.

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God I wish I was home.  I've been away from home for six months, and I saw Wedding Crashers before I left - where I am now, it just came out this past weekend.  <_<


i dont even know if wedding crashers is still in the theatres in my area.

you guys have to get with the times.

It's not really a matter of "getting with the times," it's just a distribution and marketability issue.

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I saw Hostel last night. I thought it was alright but most of the people I went with didnt like it. Not what you'd expect but it was cool. Lots of nudity for whatever reason...

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