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school grading scale

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at my school :

a 92-100

b 83-91

c 74-82

d 65-73

f 65 and below

we got our report card grades today and i was wondering waht your schools have for grading scales. I hate ours!!!

do any of you all do a day 4 classes then b-day 4 classes?

its annoying for me becuaese i forget things like math if i dont have it day after day. how does your school do it??

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Back in HS, we had an:

A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H days schedule.

A,B, E,F days were single periods. Usually 7-9 classes most students had. Although in Senior year it was usually around 5-7 if you played your cards right as a freshman and Sophmore. C,D,G,H were double periods, which meant classes were 1hr 30 mins. It could be tough, but on two of those days I was able to go home at 11AM. So not too shabby depending on your schedule.

thats CRAZY

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A- 80-100

B- 70-79

C- 60-69

D- 50-59

F- <50

An A+ is usually >90%, that's the only +/- mark people care about.

We have a tougher system up in the English room but I don't think that is enforced.

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Lucky Squirrel....Ours is

93-100 = A

85-92 = B

77-84= C

70-76= D

69 and Below= F

mines the same as this. i wish my school had 80-100=A haha

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On my report card we just get a percentage but we are marked by percents or by level 1,2,3,4.

I have 4 75 minute periods and a 1 hour lunch I think..that might now be totally accurate.

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In our University

12 - 90-100%

11 - 84 - 89%

10 - 80% - 84 %

9 - 77% - 79%

8 - 74% - 76%

7 - 70-73%

6 - 67-69%

5 - 64-66%

4 - 60 - 63%

3 - 57 - 59%

2 - 53 - 56%

1 - 50 - 53%

0 - Under 50

You need a 3 average to stay out of academic probation.

For High school we had straight percentages. We did daily classes (math 5 times a week, etc..) and were split into semesters. It was a 1-2-3-4 schedule one day, then a 1-2-4-3 the next, so sports didn't screw up one particular class, but it was the same 4 classes everyday until second semester.

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80-100=Level 4( A )

70-79=level 3( B )

60-69=level 2 ( C )

50-59=level 1( D )

49 and below a fail

4 periods 72minutes each

i would usually always get strait a's if this was my grading scale...lol my lowest grade was an 83 and trhen 85 then all higher then 95

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Lucky Squirrel....Ours is

93-100 = A

85-92 = B

77-84= C

70-76= D

69 and Below= F

I have the same and im still in middle school.......our school is pre K-8...im in 8th......all grades have the same grading system even for 2nd or 3rd grade

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We get percentage grades bit this is how it would be if we got letters.





below 65=F

and we have eight 45 minute classes.

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You guys seriously have the easiest grading systems in the world. Our teachers can use whatever they want for their scale, but most look something like this.

A: 95 and up

A-: 93-94.99

B+: 90-92.99

B: 87-89.99

B-: 84-86.99

C+: 81-83.99


C-: 76-77.99

D+: 74-75.99

D: 71-73.99

D-: 60-70.99

F: Below 60

I get all A's B)

We have 7 50 minute classes/day, same classes every day. Some elective classes you switch at the semester, but most are full year, every day classes.

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A - 86% - 100%

B - 73% - 85%

C+ - 67% - 72%

C: 60% - 66%

C-: 49.5% - 59%

F - below 49.5

two 75 minute classes and two 80 minute classes a day.

Mine's the same grading school but 4 1hr 20min periods per day. Do you to school in Vancover?

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90-100: A

80-89: B

70-79: C

60-69: D

0-50: E

We have 9 41 minute periods. We're one of the few schools in the area that doesn't do block scheduling though.

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I'm asuming most of you guys are from America and Canada. Is it true that most of your test are Multiple Choice Questions. Even the SATS?

The SAT is all multiple choice, except for the essay section that they added last year.

The college that I go to uses a lot of multiple choice questions on tests. The reason is that with multiple choice questions you can use those Scantron sheets. That way the teacher just feeds the sheets into a machine and it grades them. Cuts down on the amount of time teachers spend grading papers.

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How does everyone have such EASY grading systems!!!

I've never understood why the US and Canadian systems differ like that. It's weird, although I wouldn't say that our schools are any easier than yours. I imagine that the proportion of students scoring in any given range is roughly the same, but we get a better looking letter grade out of it.

That said, when we apply to universities, it's all the same, because most schools give out numerical grades so your averages are calculated from those...it's not really an advantage of any sort, except maybe for when you have to deal with your parents - you can say that you got an "A" instead of a "B," or a "B" instead of a "C." Just tell your parents that your C is really a B in Canada next time. :lol:

EDIT: You know, I really hated scantron when I was in school. I also found that the profs took just as long, if not LONGER to return exams. I mean, how long does it take to run a stack of cards through a damn machine? Profs are just lazy bastards.

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