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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whats Replacing Si-core?

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i recently went to my local Sports Store and discovered that there was no longer any Iginla 85 Flex stick in the sale of all 05 Easton Si-core & Si-core grip sticks. I have been using the SCg for 2 years and love it but now have to come to terms with the fact that Easton is Dis-continuing production of it. I was wondering if anyone knows which Easton Stick is set to replace it or which stick is most similar to it and also if anyone knows where to get the 85 Flex Iggy RH in SCG or SC

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The blade is one of a kind for Easton, if you want something similar your best is changing brands. If you are more concerned with the flex and curve it is hard to say what replaced the Si Core because it was top of the line when it came out but fell in behind the Stealth when it came out. ST is most similar in terms of the shaft dimensions and weight but it is essentially an updated Synergy, no Si Core blade. There is no mention of an new Si Core in the catalogue so perhaps you should start looking on the net for Si Cores if that is what you want to use.

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The blade is one of a kind for Easton, if you want something similar your best is changing brands. If you are more concerned with the flex and curve it is hard to say what replaced the Si Core because it was top of the line when it came out but fell in behind the Stealth when it came out. ST is most similar in terms of the shaft dimensions and weight but it is essentially an updated Synergy, no Si Core blade. There is no mention of an new Si Core in the catalogue so perhaps you should start looking on the net for Si Cores if that is what you want to use.

I would agree that the ST is a close compairson weight and shape wise to the Si-core. If you are looking for the a feel kinda like the si-core give the new mission stick a try when it comes out in the spring.

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welcome to the tapered world;)

i've been using synthesis,sicore synthesis and L-2 blade...and i found that these 3 blade were pretty the same in term of feeling...

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I think someone here said si-core will be back later in the next few years

Yeah, 07 or 08 I think

Why bother? The CNT blades are miles ahead of the si-core.

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you'll get either an ST or an SL. I know my little brother broke his regular si-core and they sent him back an SL. But a kid on the high school team that I coach broke his si-core grip and they sent him an ST grip. I figured he would get the SL grip, going by what they sent my younger brother.

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