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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bertuzzi Pro stock , lie/flex? UPDATED WITH PIX =)

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feels slightly whippy

less whippy than the 300 inno shaft taht I'm borrowing from my friend right now though but more whippy than my 87 flex XXX if that helps?

I'd guess around 80

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Just wondering whats with all the Bertuzzi pro returns I had my hands on both TPS and Easton Bertuzzi pro returns.. They felt quite different... I mean the TPS to Eastons..The Eastons were weighted differently "pro balanced" almost like a driver...i.e blade weighed...

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Your definitely not supposed to walk around in your skates rite after you bake them, unless of course your trying to widen the boot a bit and your not supposed to walk around just squat to place added pressure and push out the sides a bit, but otherwise you should never walk around in newly baked skates, the sides can blow out, and then no more skates... :(

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I live in Nashville,TN, now that is a long distance phone call!!

If you used Vonage like I do it's no different than calling someone two blocks away. ;)

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I'm stuck in Nashville too, they have a toll-free # or just email them. And if you're RH, they have nothing in stock to save you any troubles.

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I'm stuck in Nashville too, they have a toll-free # or just email them. And if you're RH, they have nothing in stock to save you any troubles.

When I called the Hockeyshop they told me they mostly had RH sticks in stock.

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I live in Nashville,TN, now that is a long distance phone call!!

If you used Vonage like I do it's no different than calling someone two blocks away. ;)

What is this, a vonage commercial?

It sucks that they don't have right handed sticks. Thanks for the heads up.

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feels slightly whippy

less whippy than the 300 inno shaft taht I'm borrowing from my friend right now though but more whippy than my 87 flex XXX if that helps?

I'd guess around 80

What's the model number printed below the 44 on the nameplate? Should be a letter followed by a dash and then 4 numbers, like R-0298. The letter indicates the flex (W=Whip, R=Regular, S=Stiff etc.) and then numbers indicate the curve pattern. I can see it in your pic but it's too small to read.

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