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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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**The Official iPod and iTunes Thread**

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Does anyone know of a good metal or plastic case that will be able to handle bails off of jumps in snowboarding? The season just started and I want to listen to some tunes so I need a good, cheap case to keep my ipod video protected. Do you think it would be a better idea to get a cheap mp3 player instead ?


They have some nice leather ones that are really thick. Probally block water. They dont make metal ones though.

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Well I know they make metal ones because I have seen them in real life, maybe you meant for the ipod video. I have a silicon zcover case right now, maybe I am being overprotective..do you guys think this is enough protection? I was planning on swapping it with the metal case when I went snowboarding. Im a bit paranoid because I already cracked my cell phone last season.

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Does anyone know of a good metal or plastic case that will be able to handle bails off of jumps in snowboarding? The season just started and I want to listen to some tunes so I need a good, cheap case to keep my ipod video protected. Do you think it would be a better idea to get a cheap mp3 player instead ?


They have some nice leather ones that are really thick. Probally block water. They dont make metal ones though.

Matias iPod armor is aluminum and will handle all that. I've been doing that for years and haven't had an issue with them.

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Ok, WHOLE new problem and its been pissing the hell out of me for about a week now. I tried figuring it out myself for a week but came to nothing.

Its a 30 gig Video, but it is Refurbished, so Im not sure if that has anything to do with it.

I go to hook up my ipod to the pc to transfer some new songs. I think its all good, the transfer seemed alright. Next time I listen to my ipod, almost all my songs are gone. There are only 30 songs left on it. All the songs are still on my Itunes though. They all play on my Itunes also. But as many times as I try to re-transfer them onto the ipod, it wont work. Yes they are All checked marked. I just cant figure out why all of them would just get deleted off the ipod.

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Anyone know how to put the songs from my ipod onto my comp?

I took songs from a buddies comp and out them onto me 1gig nano.

So is there anyway I can take the songs from the ipod and put them onto my computer?

Thanks guys

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Yah I saw that post before and didn't quite get it but I just tryed a little harder and got it,


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Ok, WHOLE new problem and its been pissing the hell out of me for about a week now. I tried figuring it out myself for a week but came to nothing.

Its a 30 gig Video, but it is Refurbished, so Im not sure if that has anything to do with it.

I go to hook up my ipod to the pc to transfer some new songs. I think its all good, the transfer seemed alright. Next time I listen to my ipod, almost all my songs are gone. There are only 30 songs left on it. All the songs are still on my Itunes though. They all play on my Itunes also. But as many times as I try to re-transfer them onto the ipod, it wont work. Yes they are All checked marked. I just cant figure out why all of them would just get deleted off the ipod.

That happend to my friends Nano he took it to the Apple shop and they just gave it one of those updates off the internet and it was fine.

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I just noticed that my 30 gig is 1/2 full, yet I have 2000 songs and 2.5 gigs of TV shows on there. ITunes says I have 4 gigs of "Other". Any idea what that is and can I get rid of it?

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Its Album Art

You'll need to plug your ipod in go to mycomputer-click on the ipod-click on tools or something like that-then you should be able to see them.

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Album art will take up like 20 mb max for 2000 songs. When I was putting a video on my iPod it went about half way and then my comp froze. When it restarted and itunes showed the iPod it said i had like 2 gigs of other. If your ipod in on manual update it might be hard to get rid of it but if it's on atuomaic it will just go off by itself, or it should. It's just like corrupted media that didn't finish so the ipod can;t understand it.

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ive looked thru the stuff on apple.com, but didnt find any thing to resolve my issue.

everytime i try to eject my ipod, a screen comes up that says

"the ipod Tylers Ipod cant be disconnected because it contains files that are in use with other programs."

ive closed out of everything else and "exited" everything from the tray at the bottom, but i still get this message. any one have some insight?

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That would sometimes come up with my Shuffle so I'd eject it from My Computer. If that didn't work I just took it out and never lost anything.

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ive looked thru the stuff on apple.com, but didnt find any thing to resolve my issue.

everytime i try to eject my ipod, a screen comes up that says

"the ipod Tylers Ipod cant be disconnected because it contains files that are in use with other programs."

ive closed out of everything else and "exited" everything from the tray at the bottom, but i still get this message. any one have some insight?

that'll will happen sometimes... you're using a PC I assume?? That's Windows trying to read the "usb device" when iTunes is basically done with it...

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This is going to sound redic... but how do i eject it from my computer.

Thanks for your help.

Go to "My Computer" and see if it shows up as another drive, like F: or something like that. Right click on it and hit "eject."

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On a side note.. I love how you don't have to install a bunch of different drivers whatnot to get it and itunes to communicate. Its all plug and play now :)

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This is going to sound redic... but how do i eject it from my computer.

Thanks for your help.

Go to "My Computer" and see if it shows up as another drive, like F: or something like that. Right click on it and hit "eject."

Thanks for the help guys. While it was plugged in i also hit "restore" or w/e it was and so far i havnt goten that message again.

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i downloaded itunes on my windows xp then it tried to transfer the 3gb of music i already had on my media player but there are only like 200 mb on the itunes of my old music, how can i get the rest of my music onto the itunes

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On a side note.. I love how you don't have to install a bunch of different drivers whatnot to get it and itunes to communicate. Its all plug and play now :)

I remember getting my first generation iPod on Christmas five or six years ago. It took me an entire day to get music actually playing on it, including installing a firewire drive.

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does anyone know when the 6g ipod is coming out? i think i saw that vapor said january but why would they put it out right after christmas instead of before?

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i hope you didnt have it for windows and have to deal with that gay musicmatch software.

Of course I did. It wasn't until iTunes came out for Windows that I actually liked having an iPod.

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I need to upgrade my stereo system, and I need some help!

I was thinking of ditching my receiver and getting a new system and using my existing speakers... I have airport express and that should be able to wirelessly run my itunes through my stereo system. Anyone use Airpoirt Express for this and does it work well?


The alternative is... my nephew got this for Christmas... the Bose sounddock and the sound is really amazing.

Only downside is I couldn't run speakers into a 2nd room in the house.


Any suggestions or recommendations?

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My buddy and I were actually talking about this the other day. He recently did the Airport thing in his house and loves it. From what he says its much cheaper, and like you mentioned, you can play music in multiple rooms. Personally I'd go for the Bose. My roommate has one and its really nice. I think the Airport is probably better if you can figure it out, but it seems way too complicated for me to figure it out. The Bose is plug it in and play, the Airport requires work.

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