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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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**The Official iPod and iTunes Thread**

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That's exactly what happens Miike. It costed me $45.55 I think, and I got a replacement iPod mini within six days. The new one is working perfect.

I was just wondering where you found the information about Apple and where to send it?

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I hear there's going to be a "true" video iPod coming out on 4/1 that will have a touchscreen instead of an actual click wheel.

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I hear there's going to be a "true" video iPod coming out on 4/1 that will have a touchscreen instead of an actual click wheel.

Yup thats the rumor. I think they should just split the two up. Keep the ipod with video capabilities but gear it mainly for music and then bring a new line for videos with better battery life and storage. It seems they are holding back because they dont want to mess with the design and size of the ipod.

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Please help me get my Videos to work!!!

Ok, i have just purchsed a 5g 30 gig iPod and its great besides the fact that i cant get this video thing to work.

Simply, i import the mpeg file into the library, and rightclick and convert for ipod. It converts, and the first thing i notice when i go to play it back is it has lost its audio. Secondly, when i update my ipod it gives me the same message saying that the ipod does not suport this, or something like that.

And yes i deleted to original file. Whats going on? I hope its not super complicated to get my vids on the ipod, cause everything else went nice and easy.

please help me!!


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iTunes can't convert muxed MPEGs to iPod videos and retain the sound. If there isn't a seperate audio feed and video feed in the file, it just converts the video and throws out the audio.

There are a few software programs that do the conversion. For Windows, the free Videora iPod Converter does a fairly decent job though it can be a little bit of a pain to pick out the ideal settings.

Also, don't label video as a "TV Show." Only TV Shows bought off of the iTunes Music Store will be recognized by the iPod in the menu, I've found.

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Also, don't label video as a "TV Show." Only TV Shows bought off of the iTunes Music Store will be recognized by the iPod in the menu, I've found.

Yes thats true, if you do change it you wont be able to find them on your ipod.

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Need help with Videora please.

Ok, are there any good instructions for this thing?

Everything i try to convert is converted into a "AviSynth Script" file that i cant open with anything. I thought i was suposed to convert to mpeg4????

Can someone tell me how to work this properly, and will it convert Windows Media Audio/Video file's into mpeg4's, and will it keep the audio???

The converter in itunes ditches the audio on my mpeg files?

And i got my mpeg's to work through the itunes converter.... it seems that just the one file i was trying to work with wouldnt load onto my ipod, but the others worked fine so far.

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Has anybody here tried Rockbox on their iPod yet? I only have access to a 2G mini and it hasn't been ported for the mini yet (no bootloader :( )


Would be cool to play lossless files...leaning towards a Cowon for myself but Rockbox my change my decision...


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Okay, I have a downstairs computer and an upstairs computer (in my room). Both have iTunes on them, but there are two different playlists, with totally different songs. How can I go about putting those songs onto my iPod, without deleting any of my other songs?

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I have an old 10 Gig iPod, and for some reason it won't charge anymore. if i touch a button, the apple sign comes up and a battery with an ! comes up after. This lasts for about 5 seconds then it goes blank again. Is the battery done for or do i just have to charge it longer?

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Do you guys have any idea what to do in my situation? For some reason I can't get some songs into iTunes? This is the 1st time this has happened. Does anyone know what the problem is?

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Do you guys have any idea what to do in my situation? For some reason I can't get some songs into iTunes? This is the 1st time this has happened. Does anyone know what the problem is?

What type of file is it?

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Hey. I have a question, when im lookin' through my artists on my ipod, there would be two of the same artist, for example, i have 2 'nirvanas'. Anyone know why?

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When you added it to Itunes it is #1 not spelled the exact same, #2 there is a space behind the last letter of one of the songs.

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Do all of the chargers work with every iPod? my 10 G won't charge and i wonder if its the charger. If it isn't, where is somewhere i could get a cheap new battery or get it refurbished?

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