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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New guy here looking to get new skates

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Hey guys, I've been skating for over 7 years and I used to play street hockey. I just found out that all the rinks around me have open hockey games and there are a ton of leagues around too.

To start, I'm going to play pick up ice hockey games and eventually join a league. I just ordered a full set of gear and the only thing left are new skates. I've done plenty of reading but you cant find everything on older threads.

Right now I have Bauer Supreme 3000's that I bought in 98. I went to a LHS and found some the newer skates to weigh nothing compared to the ones I have.

I read online that some guy really liked Graf skates, Easton Synergy 1300c's and CCM Pro vectors.

Right now the Easton Synergy 1300c's are out of my price range, but I can afford CCM Pro Vectors as well as Graf 609/625 skates from hockeymonkey or hockeygiant. I only weigh 145lbs and am 5' 9". I dont want the stiffest skates because I dont weigh too much.

I dont see anything about the Graf 609 or 625 skates. I know they're old, but are they still better than the CCM Pro Vectors?

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ive had the vectors for 2 seasons and ive liked them a lot, they are pretty stiff at first but i got used to them basically right away -- ive used them a ton and now they are kindof falling apart but i think the durability is pretty good

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Buyer beware when ordering skates online. All skates don't fit the same. Vector's are narower than Tacks, and I think that Eason skates run along the same width as Tacks with a narrower toebox.

With that said I'd look for the Vector 6.0 or 7.0. Less stiff.

Maybe one of the skate gurus here can lend a better hand than me though.

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The LHS sells CCM Pro vectors for 469, where the online sites sell them for 279. I just cant understand at all where that difference can come from. Why cant the LHS order CCM pro vectors online and then sell them at a slightly higher price instead of near double?

If the LHS had maybe $30-40 price tags than online, I'd definitely buy them there, but I cant justify paying double.

Everyone says the Pro vectors are stiff, so I guess I should lean towards the graf. I heard that Graf 709 might be too stiff for my weight, so I considered the cheaper 609/625.

Anyone know what the differences between the 609 and the 625 are?

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The LHS sells CCM Pro vectors for 469, where the online sites sell them for 279. I just cant understand at all where that difference can come from. Why cant the LHS order CCM pro vectors online and then sell them at a slightly higher price instead of near double?

If the LHS had maybe $30-40 price tags than online, I'd definitely buy them there, but I cant justify paying double.

Everyone says the Pro vectors are stiff, so I guess I should lean towards the graf. I heard that Graf 709 might be too stiff for my weight, so I considered the cheaper 609/625.

Anyone know what the differences between the 609 and the 625 are?

because no one is there to size you, bake the skates for you, give you your first time sharpening, share their knowledge with you and who even knows if that model skate will even fit you? At least i'm pretty sure tahts why it's cheaper..

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The LHS sells CCM Pro vectors for 469, where the online sites sell them for 279. I just cant understand at all where that difference can come from. Why cant the LHS order CCM pro vectors online and then sell them at a slightly higher price instead of near double?

If the LHS had maybe $30-40 price tags than online, I'd definitely buy them there, but I cant justify paying double.

you better pray jimmy doesn't see this thread! :D

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The LHS sells CCM Pro vectors for 469, where the online sites sell them for 279. I just cant understand at all where that difference can come from. Why cant the LHS order CCM pro vectors online and then sell them at a slightly higher price instead of near double?

If the LHS had maybe $30-40 price tags than online, I'd definitely buy them there, but I cant justify paying double.

Everyone says the Pro vectors are stiff, so I guess I should lean towards the graf. I heard that Graf 709 might be too stiff for my weight, so I considered the cheaper 609/625.

Anyone know what the differences between the 609 and the 625 are?

The reason they are cheaper is that the online store is clearing them out to make way for the 06 line of Vector skates. Eventually your LHS will put them on discount.

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The LHS sells CCM Pro vectors for 469, where the online sites sell them for 279. I just cant understand at all where that difference can come from. Why cant the LHS order CCM pro vectors online and then sell them at a slightly higher price instead of near double?

If the LHS had maybe $30-40 price tags than online, I'd definitely buy them there, but I cant justify paying double.

Everyone says the Pro vectors are stiff, so I guess I should lean towards the graf. I heard that Graf 709 might be too stiff for my weight, so I considered the cheaper 609/625.

Anyone know what the differences between the 609 and the 625 are?

The reason they are cheaper is that the online store is clearing them out to make way for the 06 line of Vector skates. Eventually your LHS will put them on discount.

exactly. that's how i got my vapor XXs!

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Thanks for the input guys. I had asked if the LHS had some sort of website where they say what items are on sale, and I was told they did have a website, but sales arent declared online. It's already 2006 and the skates havent budged in price.

I really dont mean to insult anyone here, I think I'm just trying to understand something. There are alot of things that you can buy online or in a store, and usually the prices dont differ by much. I've never seen a price disparity so high before. The LHS does have things like blades, socks, and smaller gear for the same price as online, and I do try to buy as much as I can from them. But when it comes down to amounts of $300 vs $500, I dont find myself with much of a choice.

Sneakers are even the same price online as they are in the store, and yet you still need someone to size them for you, go through the trouble of getting the shoes out for you and lacing them, but that's part of a profit margin that the store will make when the sneaker is sold. I know that by buying from online at $279, I'm still giving the site a certain percentage of profit, and by that I cant see why the LHS would differ in pricing by THAT much.

Again, I dont want to insult anyone, I just want to understand why I have to pay double for trying something on and sharpening.

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Your LHS will not drop the price until they recieve the 06 Vectors, which do not come out until the Spring. Large online retailers will put items on clearance so that they have room to recieve inventory. I understand that you want to save money. I would order them off the internet if I was in your situation. But understand the your LHS isn't trying to rip you off. They just haven't marked the skates down yet. If the haven't recieved their new product, why would they put it on clearance?

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I think I would stay away from the Vectors if you've been in Bauer forever. I've been in CCM/Mission for 7 years, and I could never wear Bauers. I would always try on different pairs (XX, XV, XXX), and they never fit me right. I would go back to CCM. Bauers just did not fit my weird feet right...the Vector is a great skate though if you're willing to try them. I had the 6.0's and loved them. I think I may give the Pros a try, unless I find the RbK's fit me well.

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sneakers are totally different though. if you order a size too big or a size too small it's ok because you can easily break those in. improperly fitted skates could actually do damage to your foot. I got skates half a size bigger than me and I got a bone spur on my right foot in return.

You might be paying extra but I believe it's worth. I could've gotten cheaper skates online but I decided spend a little more cash in buying my new skates from my LHS. Atleast there I don't get charged if I need some work on my skates which I have needed in the past like second bakings, punching, stretching and the works.

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If you order a pair online and they don't fit.....then you're stuck returning them and paying a restocking fee, return shipping, and the wait in between skate shipments, etc. Keep in mind that you also will get more than skates from the shop. A good shop will help you from having an excruciating experience.

I'd personally wait till the skates go on sale locally and get a good fitting, baking, and sharpening.

If you can't wait, good luck.

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You dont necessarily have to go TOP of the Line unless you are playing in a highly competitive league.I say try a mid range model like the Vector 6.0 or Bauer Vapor XIV.

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I figured the Graf 609 was a midranged skate. One thing that I'd like to try out are really light skates. My Bauer 3000's weigh a ton compared to the Vector Pro's when I picked them up at the shop.

The Bauer Vapor series was something I really wanted to get until I read a ton of horror stories about how they just fall apart. I also read that Nike Quest V12 or V10 or maybe one of the Easton Synergy skates.

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I believe that Graf has quit making the 600 series skate but if you cam still get them go ahead. I had 609's for 3 years and they where good skates.

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A couple of reasons for online stores to be cheaper on some items - firstly the big online stores do bigger volume, so they can get away with lower profit margins, and they can get better buy prices. They also have lower overheads than a LHS, but probably the biggest reason they get some super low prices is that the manufacturers often use the bigger ones to dump end of line stock before the new models are released, sometimes to the point where the online stores can sell items (usually higher end skates) for less than many LHS's would have paid for them wholesale. The Vector Pro's you mention weren't always that cheap at hockey giant - most likely CCM have dumped the last of their stock to them, and I wouldn't be surprised if your LHS didn't pay close to HG's price for them wholesale.

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btw you shouldn't have any problems with any of the vapor series. I highly doubt you will wear them out quickly given your size and the times you will play hockey per week.

Beware though. I was a sz 7 in bauer and when i was trying Vector Pros i was a 6 in CCM's sizing.

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Hey guys, I've been skating for over 7 years and I used to play street hockey. I just found out that all the rinks around me have open hockey games and there are a ton of leagues around too.

To start, I'm going to play pick up ice hockey games and eventually join a league. I just ordered a full set of gear and the only thing left are new skates. I've done plenty of reading but you cant find everything on older threads.

Right now I have Bauer Supreme 3000's that I bought in 98. I went to a LHS and found some the newer skates to weigh nothing compared to the ones I have.

I read online that some guy really liked Graf skates, Easton Synergy 1300c's and CCM Pro vectors.

Right now the Easton Synergy 1300c's are out of my price range, but I can afford CCM Pro Vectors as well as Graf 609/625 skates from hockeymonkey or hockeygiant. I only weigh 145lbs and am 5' 9". I dont want the stiffest skates because I dont weigh too much.

I dont see anything about the Graf 609 or 625 skates. I know they're old, but are they still better than the CCM Pro Vectors?

Missions? Maybe something along the supplefit "S" series?

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If you liked your Supreme's and wanted something similar..

look at Bauer Supreme 4000/6000, $80-160 online, should size the same as your current skates, will be a bit more forward with the lean in the boot..

Classic Gold/Silver would be closer, but they are a much deeper boot and would reccomend trying them on before purchasing...similar in depth to the 8090

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I have been reading about skates all day long. Looks like the Nike Flexlite 10 is a good skate, but I think while there's not too much talk about them-- the Mission S400's look like a good choice.

The Bauer skates just never really impressed me, but I dont have many complaints about them either. They've held up over the years definitely, but just were never that comfortable.

I'll take a look into the Missions. Thanks!

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Find a pair of S400's on close out...Best bang for your buck..They fit great...Are comfortable...And will last....

I couldn't agree more.

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The LHS sells CCM Pro vectors for 469, where the online sites sell them for 279. I just cant understand at all where that difference can come from. Why cant the LHS order CCM pro vectors online and then sell them at a slightly higher price instead of near double?

If the LHS had maybe $30-40 price tags than online, I'd definitely buy them there, but I cant justify paying double.

Everyone says the Pro vectors are stiff, so I guess I should lean towards the graf. I heard that Graf 709 might be too stiff for my weight, so I considered the cheaper 609/625.

Anyone know what the differences between the 609 and the 625 are?

The only reason the online stores have them for that price now is because they are markdowns, being discontinued in 2006. Regular price was around $400 just a few weeks ago. I have a LHS, and my V Pro's have been marked down significantly, your LHS prob hasn't done it yet. I'd go in and ask them if they'd take less. Remember, LHS's might sell you a skate for the same price as the online stores, but you can't try it on, they wont sharpen, heat mold or service the skate. Basically, the same nothing that online gives you. That's fair, isn't it.

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