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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Radius question?

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if you make a circle on the ice with turning i believe the radius will be in ft

not sure tho

the radius is like a circle if you keep tracing a 9 foot radius on paper it would make a 9 foot circle. 11 11 foot circle

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if you make a circle on the ice with turning i believe the radius will be in ft

not sure tho

the radius is like a circle if you keep tracing a 9 foot radius on paper it would make a 9 foot circle. 11 11 foot circle

Ok....then would you turn the best with tuuk+/LS..... with a 9' radius VS say a 11'

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the radius is like a circle if you keep tracing a 9 foot radius on paper it would make a 9 foot circle. 11 11 foot circle

Actually, a 9' radius would make an 18' (diameter) circle. Radius is measured from the center to the edge of a circle.

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lower the radius, sharper the turns, less glide. increase radius, more steel on ice so longer turns but way more glide

I had to put graf holder/steel on my vapors and wow did it slow me down,Messed up my agility, like I was skating in mud. But have been on stock bauers since I was 5 so I guess that why I had so much problems with the 11' radius.

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i had 9, went to 11, then to 13, back to 11 felt liek i was running on ice so went back to a 13

after I got the cobras profiled to a 9' it took me some time to get used to it (Aprox 15min.) felt like I was going to fall on my butt!

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the radius is like a circle if you keep tracing a 9 foot radius on paper it would make a 9 foot circle. 11 11 foot circle

Actually, a 9' radius would make an 18' (diameter) circle. Radius is measured from the center to the edge of a circle.


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He needed something stiffer.

Witch may I add that I love the cobra holder. My stride feels very strong..Like all effort goes straight to the ice. I love how stiff it is.

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So by what yglod was saying, it would make sense with experience to get a larger radius over time? Assuming you can keep up agility, then you can increase speed as well?

I don't understand how with more blade touching the ice you could skate faster. When I was on the 11' it felt like I was skating in mud.

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So by what yglod was saying, it would make sense with experience to get a larger radius over time? Assuming you can keep up agility, then you can increase speed as well?

I don't understand how with more blade touching the ice you could skate faster. When I was on the 11' it felt like I was skating in mud.

"Skating on mud "feeling is symptom of wrong hollow, not rocker radius

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So by what yglod was saying, it would make sense with experience to get a larger radius over time? Assuming you can keep up agility, then you can increase speed as well?

I don't understand how with more blade touching the ice you could skate faster. When I was on the 11' it felt like I was skating in mud.

Think of a speed skater's blades.

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So by what yglod was saying, it would make sense with experience to get a larger radius over time? Assuming you can keep up agility, then you can increase speed as well?

I don't understand how with more blade touching the ice you could skate faster. When I was on the 11' it felt like I was skating in mud.

The more blade, the more push.

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Taken from some other thread

Just a quick question here...

I want to get a sharpening from a pro, a equipment manager of a DEL club, but i dont know which radius/hollow/whatever i need.

Im 6'2 and 200 lbs if that helps.


Thanks a lot, its quite urgent..

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