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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sonny ReVerb

Skate tongue placement?

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I've always put my over my tongue.. and tuck my socks under like this


I play D and like to drop for shots so I feel better with my shin guard over my Tongue. Plus my skates fit better as far as flex and so does my shin guards...everything seems to stay in place. But I put my hole bottom of the sock over my Skate.

I would like to add that it is hard to put my shinguards behind the tongue because of the plastic in the tongue.

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this year i asked for some 14" to try and put under tongue, my stride was horrendous, quickly went back to my 16" over.

Yep, that was my issue.....

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wow i feel like the minority hear. only three other people so far wear thier tongues outside of their shinpads. thats what ive alwasy done. it doenst feel right putting the tongue behind it.

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I have my tongue on the outside of my shinpad and then tuck my sock over the laces, so it stays over the tongue, tonight at practice, I'm going to try putting it over my tongue.

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I wear it over my tongue. I dont really know why. Thats just how I started doing it when I first started to play, and haven't wanted to change.

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Always have my toung over my shinpads since i started playing hockey, Donno why. Guess thats just how i thought it was ment to be when i started. So now i just wear em like that all the time.

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shinpads under, i feel it helps me to have a bit more flexablilty for my stride, but i have a new pair of shin pads in my garage so will maybe try those over

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