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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Foot Shape. Arch pain, custom a possibility?

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for the past 5 years, i have had major foot pain in my arches, heels and around my toe area. i have tried lots of skates and nothing has felt amazing, i have always skated through the pain and finally i am 100% willing to make a change. i am asking for an analysis from members who would be knowledgeable in this sort of evaluation. currently i am wearing synergy skates (prior to the 1300c), aside from not having a tuuk on it, the fit isnt that bad. but i am feeling pain in the arches and the side of my foot. i took the liberty to take a number of photographs and hopefully that these are good enough to make a good evaluation on what skates would suit me the best or the fact that i might have to buy custom skates.

i apologize, my feet are not the most attractive

Left Outside


Right Outside


Left Side


Right Side


Left Arch (my foot looks very odd!)


Left Arch Inside


Right Arch


Right Arch Inside


Back Heels (notice my arch, how it is very wide and is more on the inside, this is where my problem is (right below the ankle on the flat part of my foot))


Front Toes (again, arch)


thank you in advance!

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I have similar problems, just go to the podiatrist. Believe me, the $250 is well worth it for custom orthotics when you consider how much is wasted on skates. I have one foot that's flat, and one that has a medium arch, so just getting Superfeet or somesuch isn't the best idea.

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those are some 'ucked up feet..

I would look into getting a custom fitting.

haha dont you think i know that!?

but i already have custom orthodics for my shoes...but im looking at skates that will actually fit!

Really, not many skates (if ANY) will fit you correctly. I was talking about getting custom skates made for YOUR feet.. Materials, molding, sizing etc. One of my good friends has a size 16 foot and had to have his custom made. Not only does he have large feet, but they are an reverse arch (his foot goes down like a U not up like this ^) CCM had him custom fitted and made him the perfect skate.

thats what I was suggesting.

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those are some 'ucked up feet..

I would look into getting a custom fitting.

haha dont you think i know that!?

but i already have custom orthodics for my shoes...but im looking at skates that will actually fit!

Really, not many skates (if ANY) will fit you correctly. I was talking about getting custom skates made for YOUR feet.. Materials, molding, sizing etc. One of my good friends has a size 16 foot and had to have his custom made. Not only does he have large feet, but they are an reverse arch (his foot goes down like a U not up like this ^) CCM had him custom fitted and made him the perfect skate.

thats what I was suggesting.

sorry, i should have specified this... i was answering both posts that i read.

but i was looking at custom skates, but from that...i guess would a specific skate work out better if i got them custom done.

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Are you using an E width--at the very least? I think the Easton's are really stiff and I wouldn't choose that model with your feet. Your ankles "pronate;" they turn inwards. That's why you have pain on the innner portion of your foot and arch. Other than custom skates, you might want to consider a pair like CCM's Vector line. They're very wide in the midfoot and you can grind the insole so there's no arch whatsoever. I got tired of not being able to skate w/o pain so I bought heat moldable ZG110's. They have nylon in the outside (not the metal mesh) so you can use a heat gun to pull or push the boot any which way. If I had a pressure point, I would heat it up with the heat gun and gently press outwards from inside the boot with the handle (circular end) of a screwdriver. It took some time but it worked well. Don't listen to kooks who warn you about overheating the boot. They've never skated in pain before.

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i would consider going that route but i personally dislike any ccm skate.

but to answer your question, i would say that i have been fit wrong on several pairs of skates.

here is the history of my skates ever since i could remember problems...

bauer vapor 10, 9 D - Started to notice pain

graf 727, 9 D- great soft skates but the arches killed me but i had them stretched like crazy

nike quest 1, 10.5 D- apparently this was my size according to a shop 30 miles away. skated in them for a year and it was the worst choice of my life but it was during the season, not much i could do

bauer vapor xx 10.5 D- again same shop didnt size me right, returned

ccm pro tacks 8.5 E- hated the feel of them on the ice, exchanged

bauer vapor xx 8.5 EE- fit great in length but i noticed that my arches killed in the spot that i was concerned about and my heels killed

nike quest v12 9 D- was told that the EE width was too wide for me and it would be to sloppy so i went with the d's. they killed my arches but other then that, not bad

mission s500 carbon- great in length but hate the width

easton synergy- great in length, too stiff and hate the width

so i had a run of sizes that didnt fit proper but now i know what my correct fit...im thinking custom skates but i want these to be the last pair that i get so i dont want to get sized wrong or anything!

any help?

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My feet are similar to yours. I am going the ONE90 custom route. TOo much pain in all of the skates I have been in. S500 has been the best fitting by far. I probably need orthotics as well. I have tried it all...

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jr, good thing you posted. i was hoping you would give some insight to it. i do recall that you said that your foot type was similar before. i tried on the one90 skate when the rep came to town and didnt mind the fit that much but they are quite pricey for my budget. i was thinking 8090s in custom, but due to my foot shape, would the alignment be different... the blades moved in to compensate for my wide arch?

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If anything, the blades would be moved in order to compensate for your pronation...

Definitely order custom skates. There's really nothing like it...

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that is what i have chose to do, this would be the first time ordering custom skates and i work at my LHS but i would be the most knowledgeable there in terms of fit, but i would want a pro opinion. there was a website mentioned above, is that a good place to start?

im saying i dont want to mess anything up, i want to be fit properly and then have the skates made...any ideas about how to do this...?

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You said work at your LHS, maybe you can contact your rep for some help. If they don't know, maybe they can point you in the direction of someone who can.

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i do work at my hockey shop but i really would want the best fit possible...so i would want to talk to someone who knows my foot type can see it, evaluate it. im planning to meet with the equipment manager of the badgers for an analysis

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take a look at some graf skates if possible. that professional skate place is really close to me and they fitted me for skates, you might try them. but i was thinking like a graf 705? or 709 or sometihng. in a wider width. i dunno about your heels. if they are regular or kind of narrow then you might try a 703 in a wider width. also, the bauer skates are less of a moulded skate, they kind of have straight up sides, so try a vapour something in a wider width. i dunno. try as many skates on as you can. alot of ppl have flat feet, and if you can run in your bare feet withought pain, then alot of skates, ones withought a tall arch should work.

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My feet are similar to yours. I am going the ONE90 custom route. TOo much pain in all of the skates I have been in. S500 has been the best fitting by far. I probably need orthotics as well. I have tried it all...

Dido for me, same type feet and S500 work right now, thats why I was a slave to 703's for so long

One90 sound grat but I'll be dead befor I can fit 800$ for custom skates in my budget...

For the guy who started the post, your left foot looks like the main issue, try going barefoot, sounds strange but it worked miracles for me...

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same problem as me but i solved it and it won't even cost you $200 either. just cut the middle part out of a pair of old insoles until you are only left with the front and back. put them in your skates and put another pair of insoles over them. that will even out the arch part by lifting the front and back but not the arch. it'll work but it leaves you with a ton of shoes without insoles and you have to play around a bit cause some boots you need thicker ones and some thinner ones.

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Kor's unibase is a completely moldable fit, so if you heat mold it correctly the entire bottom of the skate along with the rest of the unibase will have the shape of your foot..arches and all

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id reccomend looking at the 8090s in a custom just based on your foot and your ankle because it looks like you need it for the depth thats where the vector and 703 skates would not work out great because your foot is fairly wide. If you were to get a custom 8090 your bauer rep should be able to come into your store or you may have to come see him and have him size you correctly

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Kor's unibase is a completely moldable fit, so if you heat mold it correctly the entire bottom of the skate along with the rest of the unibase will have the shape of your foot..arches and all

If you go Kor, make sure you follow the directions for "bumping" out around the novicular area. It will make a big difference.

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Kor's unibase is a completely moldable fit, so if you heat mold it correctly the entire bottom of the skate along with the rest of the unibase will have the shape of your foot..arches and all

Kor is probabley the best way to go

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