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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Different palms.

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I have a pair of Bauer gloves with Dura-soft palms. The palms suck. Holes happened way too fast. Also, I feel there was very little grip with them. So I'm looking for different style of plams out there, and whats there befefits. Also, I might want a thicker and gripper palm. Any ideas? Thanks.

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Our PG1's have a rubberized grip in the palms, which adds some longevity to the palms, since the grip has to wear away prior to the palms fraying.

I used my first pair ten months before I switched to different colors; the rubber was close to being gone, but there wasn't noticeable erosion of the palms.

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Is this an example of Taci-mac tape?


Powerflex tape ripped through my palms in no time. Tacki-macs are one-piece rubber grips that you slip onto the butt end of the stick.

I put some of the Andover power-flex over Oggie foam on one of my sticks and I haven't seen any extra wear on mine yet.

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