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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Repair

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Well by searching SRS i couldn't find anything(min 4 letters)

and with stick repair i came up with 104 pages...

Any one done it, do you really feel the weight of the repair? or it depends where the repair is(mine would be 35 inch from the top..)

Also is there 2 company that offer their services?Is there one better than the other??

Thanks you!


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That thread is old. Here's an update. I recently became a SRS dealer. To date I have repaired 5 sticks. The repairs have came out clean looking and strong. If the stick has fancy graphics, the repair may not line up perfect, depending on how much damaged area had to be removed. If flex was altered, I can't tell. I took a new 7k and flexed it side by side with a repaired 7k. Couldn't tell a difference. While the repair itself weighs less than 1 oz, I could not tell the difference with that either. Will others be able to tell, who knows. I'd like to do a blind test, that would be fun to watch. The added weight of the repair is insignificant. I made up a display of the cured pieces of the repair, just the carbon sleve and the epoxys. You can hold it in the palm of your hand to feel the lack of weight.

As I said before, if you have a broken $180 stick, paying $29.99 for a repair is not a bad deal, especially if you don't have the $$$ to buy another stick. I'm doing a broken SL later today. :)

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thanks for the update...i need my SL repaired...

hey kovy, i might be wrong, but i think maison du sport don't use the SRS system, they use something different(because on the SRS website on location, there no mention of maison du sport)

But on fraser source for sport they are SRS, that why i was wondering if one was better than the other!

Thanks, if you have other comment please let me know...

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Used SRS to repair an XN10. Didn't add much weight and the flex was the same. Lost about an inch from the shaft, so I had to get a slightly longer butt end. Overall, I was very impressed with the repair. Cost me $25 and I haven't had a problem.

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Yglod , that what i think i will do...

if a xn10 repaired feel the same, i think my SL will be good!

Also is there a warrenty with these reparation??

I'm very looking forward to repair mine! maybe i will go repair my Zbubble also...

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had one done right in the middle and the repair did not last very long. i do agree with jimmy that its better than dropping another 180 on a stick. imo i think its a great idea for kids because the don't put as much stress on the shaft as adults do.

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I can't speak for all the stick repair companies, just SRS. I am familiar with stick fix as well. IMO with SRS, the repair makes the stick stronger in that area than when new. The carbon sleve is much thicker than most stick sidewalls. It basicall creates a stick within a stick. SO far I am impreseed with the results. I'm really laying on the sticks before I give them back to the customer. So far, so good.

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i have fused together a z-bubble and a broken synergy with a wooden end plug that was shaved down.

do u think this company could fuse together like half of a stick to another stick?

like top half of shaft is stealth grip, bottom is regular stealth?

and also, when companies recieve broken sticks, do they send them to these kinds of placeS?

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jimmy, how was he result with your SL??

Also, do i need a appointement to make these kind of reparation or it is pretty easy 'n fast to do..

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jimmy, how was he result with your SL??

Also, do i need a appointement to make these kind of reparation or it is pretty easy 'n fast to do..

I did the repair today. Will be in the clamp for 1 day and to cure for 3 more, so won't know results till then, except for of course that the repair went very easy, alignment was perfect. I will say that the repair location will be the strongest part of this stick. The sidewall construction on the SL's is the thinest in the industry.

I would call your stick repair dealer to schedule an "appointment". Not that one is needed except that if they have one in the clamp, it won't be avail till next day. SRS is 4 day process, so if two sticks are ahead of you, now you are up to 6 days.

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thanks you very much for all your info jimmy!

I wasnt sure with all this repair thing, my biggest problem was : if by flexing the stick the repair would broke... i think you answered my question

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yeah i did this once and it only cost 40!$ canadian.. but i broke it again the game i got it back (but it was in a diff spot lol).. but two kids on my team have done it and it works fine

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Hey can they do these repairs on a blade? Or just the shaft, and also, what if your shaft breaks on the taper, can the fix that?

SRS is working on a complete stick repair process. Right now, it's just shafts, above the taper point. I've done 6 this week alone. I tried to do one in the taper area but honestly, if you have to remove the broken area, there is no way to fix a stick if a big chunk is missing. The shaft won't line up. I'm anxious to see how they can repair a severely damaged stick in the taper area.

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hey jimmy, or anyone,

Repair done, but my shaft lost 1,5 inch but since the repairation was done at about 30inch from the shaft, my 85 flex shaft feel like a 90-95...

Is it normal that after a repairation you gain some stifness of the shaft? or it is due to where my shaft broke...

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yea, i tried on ice today and i think it is not really different than before excepting the lost of 1,5 inch.

My mistake, sorry

I recommend these repair to anybody, Does not add any weight to the stick...I will always have my stick repaired now!

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Cutting 2 inches off a stick adds about 3lbs of flex. As said, extending the plug the amount cut off will return stick to normal flex.

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Sorry to bring up this older thread but has anyone been able to fix a shaft broken at the taper? I know jimmy said it didnt seem possible i was just trying to see if anyone has any new info.

I would like to save money if possible but I'm not sure how well SRS would work on a shaft that was broken in two at the taper.

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