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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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end plugs

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I bought a Bauer XV shaft and it doesn't come with an end plug.

do you need an end plug? what does it do?


it comes with an endplug. it's the same style as the vector sticks

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong but endplugs don't really serve a purpose.

they can lengthen your stick, they can change the flex of your stick by a little bit, they can give your stick wheelbarrow handle if you buy that type of endplug, it can lengthen your stick while remaning light (composite). EndCAPS on the other hand just prevent the water/ice getting inside your shaft and it's just comfortable to have.

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong but endplugs don't really serve a purpose.

they can lengthen your stick, they can change the flex of your stick by a little bit, they can give your stick wheelbarrow handle if you buy that type of endplug, it can lengthen your stick while remaning light (composite). EndCAPS on the other hand just prevent the water/ice getting inside your shaft and it's just comfortable to have.

Whoops, I was thinking of the end cap, not an extension endplug. Sorry

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Around here i think its a rule you must have SOMETHING covering up the butt end, but they dont really care nonetheless.

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End caps keep you from taking a core sample of yourself if you manage to spear yourself :blink:

YEY, Id say make sure you have some sort of cap.....that would be one hell of an injury.

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I thought it provided some structural integrity for the shaft due to the fact that it capped off the shaft with a solid object.

I haven't used a plug or end cap for ages and haven't noticed any significant durability issues. I'm sure there is some physics that shows a difference in capped vs. uncapped but I haven't experienced anything to send me running for butt ends/caps.

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atleast put tape over the top, i used to leave it open and i went through palms in 2 months

Depends how you hold your stick. My hand is below the end because of the kind of knob I use. If you hand your hand out over the end of the shaft then you need to cover the open end, but if you don't then no worries.

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End caps keep you from taking a core sample of yourself if you manage to spear yourself :ph34r:

yeah this happenned to me! Got my stick caught in the boards and skated in to it, happenned so quick.

luckily i had a butt end and extension, it saved my life!

yeah so i ended up with a 4 inch hole in my intestine! 1 operation, 20 stiches and 6 months later i was back playing. but the chicks dig the scar :P

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End caps keep you from taking a core sample of yourself if you manage to spear yourself  :blink:

yeah this happenned to me! Got my stick caught in the boards and skated in to it, happenned so quick.

luckily i had a butt end and extension, it saved my life!

yeah so i ended up with a 4 inch hole in my intestine! 1 operation, 20 stiches and 6 months later i was back playing. but the chicks dig the scar :P



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