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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What's the biggest/deepest curve on the market?

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I'm looking for a new blade that is either a mid curve or a toe curve, but I want the biggest and deepest curve available. Anyone have any suggestions?

I have found a lot of conflicting information with blade patterns available on various different websites and my LHS has like a hundred Bauer P88 blades and nothing else, I guess the P88 is popular.


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Sherwood Coffey <---- I love deep curves.. this one tickles me pink.

Haha my brother has used the Coffey since we were kids. I used to tell him I don't know how anybody could use those things, of course he's always said the same about my heel wedge curves.

Back on topic, how about the Shanahan? Last one of those I saw looked big and ugly. They don't call it the Bananahan for nothing.

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easton gaborik

This curve is a joke! I would pay money to see someone use it!!! :angry: Its way to curved to do anything with. Only ever seen it in Czech tho. Never seen it in the uk.

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the crosby sherwood is pretty big... one of our D-man was trying to use it on his slapshots the first time he had it in his shaft for a game... he did not have much control as to where it was going.

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shannahan retail is pretty straight with a small curve at the toe. the crosby is a heel curve that isnt really deep but has alot of loft (wedge). you could always recurve a wood blade, or look for pro stock kovalchuk blades

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the crosby sherwood is pretty big... one of our D-man was trying to use it on his slapshots the first time he had it in his shaft for a game... he did not have much control as to where it was going.

are you sure it wasnt just him?

i mean after a couple of games i think you cna get used to any curve.

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easton gaborik

This curve is a joke! I would pay money to see someone use it!!! :angry: Its way to curved to do anything with. Only ever seen it in Czech tho. Never seen it in the uk.

Two kids on my team have it on Stealths and can roof pucks easily, and guess what? They even have respectible backhands.

Edit: Amonte is a giant hook, damn big one too.

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i have a mission leopold lying around at home, that thing is a banana and a half. Not sur eif they still have the leopold pattern though <_<

i used a coffey for yrs, so when i first went over to composites, i figured the leopold was the closest i could get so i went w/ it. First time i played with it, i was in real close to the net, went to put the puck top shelf and i picked it up like i had a shovel in my hand and murdered the scoreboard behind the glass lololol

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shannahan retail is pretty straight with a small curve at the toe. the crosby is a heel curve that isnt really deep but has alot of loft (wedge). you could always recurve a wood blade, or look for pro stock kovalchuk blades

I must have been thinking of another pattern then, the Yzerman perhaps. It's been a while since I looked at the Easton retail patterns.

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