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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Adrenaline

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Hey guys, I was just wondering what you guys thought about the Adrenaline. I searched for stuff on it but couldn't find anything.I just broke my XN10 and i really liked it, so I am looking at the Adrenaline. Any help?

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Adrenaline - This is TPS' top dog this year. They have added a Kevlar wrap to their XN10 shaft in order to increase durability. The blade is the same as the one on the XN10. Also, they have added a "Shock Relief" anti-vibration insert to the shaft. It's clocking in at 425g (due to the Kevlar and the insert)

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Even better as a shaft paired with an Inno blade :D Unfortunately I only got to try it for a period before my knee went off duty...

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We got some back in November, any TPS dealer should be able to order them if they don't have them in stock. I was told they had stock available to ship.

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prettty sure the controls are out now, some guy tried to sell me one on here...

I love the adrenaline, but I dont think that it would hold up as well on ice, cause of the more roughness and heavier puck. I only use my adrenaline for roller. My all time fav. stick was the response plus. That def. held up and had an awsome feel. My highest recomendations. :D

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prettty sure the controls are out now, some guy tried to sell me one on here...

I love the adrenaline, but I dont think that it would hold up as well on ice, cause of the more roughness and heavier puck. I only use my adrenaline for roller. My all time fav. stick was the response plus. That def. held up and had an awsome feel. My highest recomendations. :D

I know a couple guys using them while playing fairly high level hockey and they work justy fine.

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Hi Gents,

First time poster, love this board.

I've had a TPS Adrenaline for a couple months. It's become my fav after the first game I used it in. Closest OPS to wood that I have tried thus far ( used many Easton and CCM OPS's). Absorbs a pass so softly for an OPS ( I'm no scientist but a assume the kevlar aborbs and spreads the innertia of a puck, much like it does for a bulletproof vest? )

It was a pleasant surprise as I have never even given the TPS much thought.

Highly recommended

just my .02 cents.


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