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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hex-1 durability?

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My highly scientific survey of "how many broken ones do I see in the trash at the local rinks and on TV during NHL games" suggests that the Hex-1 are very durable. I've searched Hex-1 topics and found various comments about performance, as well as blade chipping, but nothing about overall durability. Anyone have any experience/opinions?

BTW, I did look at the review section and saw the comment about the shaft being a tank for all of 5 games and 6 practices :D

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only me and one only kid have one around here, both chipped horribly at a very fast pace. It was a great stick for about a month, but for $160 I wanted it to last a little longer. I have to admit, the shaft was wonderfulll, great feel and very very durable. No signs at all of breaking, but that blade was nothing. It chipped very easily. The toe had a huge chunk out of it just from playing, and the top of the blade had big chunks out of it. The bottom of the blade held fine, even when switching from roller to ice, but I did not like how easily the blade up top chipped away. I cut it and sold it on a side note.

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I really like mine but...

after every 1 or 2 games I find more and more pieces of the blade missing :o (it doesn't even have that many games on it). All the damage on mine has basically been from the fuse point down...no damage to the shaft (only chipped paint and grip coating). It certainly could not withstand the abuse that my inno 1100 has taken. It's really a shame because I think it's an excellent performing stick, but at the rate it's going, it's gonna end up a shaft soon.

I'm just glad mine was a freebie :)

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BTW, I did look at the review section and saw the comment about the shaft being a tank for all of 5 games and 6 practices :D

Yeah, that was me. ;) I've had it a couple months now, and it's still going strong. Only thing wrong with it is the black puck marks you get on the shaft. But otherwise it's been awesome to me. Very durable

I've had no complaints about the stick, another fine product by Mission. I recommend it. I try to use other sticks for ice, but I always go back to the Hex-1. So yeah, there's an update for ya B)

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Only thing wrong with it is the black puck marks you get on the shaft.

Sounds like you're pretty good at deflections and/or blocking shots. Thanks for the update.

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So overall its a pretty good stick i was thinking of getting one

^^^Which NHL players use them?

Don't you mean which Nhl players have sticks painted like the hex-1? At a guess I would say that at least some of the players using Hex-1 (sticks painted or Hex-1 shafts, etc) would be using Pulse's! Just because it look's like they're using a Hex-1 doesn't mean they are at times!

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Only thing wrong with it is the black puck marks you get on the shaft.

Sounds like you're pretty good at deflections and/or blocking shots. Thanks for the update.

And blocking passes :D

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loved the stick .... still use it, the shaft is a tank, but the blade chips pretty easily, i mean, the normal wear-n-tear, but then my toe just like totally chipped off, but they r gettin me a replacement, so im cool with it ....

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yeh ok then who?

Patherfan I'd hate to bust your bubble, but if they aren’t actually using the Hex-1 but another stick painted like the Hex-1 does it really matter who's using it? I am not trying to be an ahole here, but alot of NHL players have equipment that looks like a retail _____(insert item here) but its something totally different!

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