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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gaylord. Seriously, no lie. like off that one movie from meet the fockers.

He was a huge slow guy that thought he was a bad ass. Then we just said HA.

And a guy on my team has the last name Bauer, the brand name, and hes the leagues high scorer, and really good.

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Gaylord. Seriously, no lie. like off that one movie from meet the fockers.

He was a huge slow guy that thought he was a bad ass. Then we just said HA.

And a guy on my team has the last name Bauer, the brand name, and hes the leagues high scorer, and really good.

nashville plays @ gaylord arena

johan garpenlov

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Dick Pound, head of the IOC

I thought Dick Pound was head of the WADA (World Anti Doping Agency) and Jacques Rogge was the president of teh IOC?

Damn, that sounds even worse when you add that title and the agency

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-Keli Corpse

-John Porco (poor bastard is of italian heritage where porco means "pig". He later had his name officialy changed to Parco)

-Zbynek Kukacka

-Dwayne Gylywoychuk (worse than Curtis Leshyshyn)

-Pat Pylypuik (see above)

-Dean Rambo (for obvious reasons)

And for good measure I also thought that Ryan Fajita guy´s name is hillarious. :rolleyes:

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