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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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he does the same thing every shoot out..

backs in the net, and butterflies as wide as he can, bending at the waist, leaving the 5 hole and top corners wide open..

did it for both goals tonight in the shoot out agains tampa

is there any team worse than the leafs in the shoot out?



apparently belfour was .700 in the shoot out.. but now .583

ottawa has only beaten the leafs in the the shoot out

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Dallas are sick, Jokinen 8 for 8 and Turco has not let a single goal in so far (execpt the Zetterberg shot were he lost/trew his stick at the puck and they awarded a goal)

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Telly worse, if you can imagine. He's too small in the net (Same with Belfour) and has to work too hard to make saves.

Sundin's garbage on shoot-outs, he's only got 2 moves. His weak backhand move and the wait'em out, high glove shot. They'd be best off having Wellwood, Stajan and one of Steen, Poni or possibly a D man shooting. All of their "scorers" tend to have similar philosophy's and are more hard nosed goal scorers than "fancy" sniper types. Look at Lindros, O'Neill, Sundin, Tucker, these aren't guys who score alot of "pretty" goals.

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Don't any of the Leafs Euros have sweet 1-on-1 moves? You mentioned Poni but isn't there anyone else from across the pond with that stuff in their arsenal? Euros can always dangle. I think its in the water.......

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They don't have anyone good European.

Tucks - Sundin - Steen

Poni - Allison - Antropov

Domi - Wellwood - Kilger

Wilm - Stajan - Belak

All the Euro's are on one line, Poni's decent, but is mostly a shooter, I haven't seen Antro much at all. Steen's pretty decent. I don't consider Sundin a Euro anymore :) I can't think of any in the system either, all of their forward prospects are Canadian. Kind've odd since Cherry ripped into'em for never picking North Americans. Chow's in the doghouse and rarely plays.

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Dallas are sick, Jokinen 8 for 8 and Turco has not let a single goal in so far (execpt the Zetterberg shot were he lost/trew his stick at the puck and they awarded a goal)

Definitely the SO has made a big difference for Dallas in the standings. They're 8 points ahead of LA because of it.

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Why they don't let Wellwood shoot is beyond me, same goes for O'Neill. At least Quinn got over letting Allison shoot though, now that was terrible.

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Anybody see the AHLer pull that move off last night in skills comp and bank it in off the post?

This was on Center Ice last night.

BTW, the Habs were on Center Ice last night in French. They are just as bad no matter what the language is.

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I like Zubov, but he's not as slick as Jokinen. Anyone got a video of Jokinen's 8?

I would say that Zubov is just as slick as Jokinen considering that Zubov is a defenseman.

Here is a video of one of Jokinen's shoot goals and his comments on it.


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If Telly wasn't stamped as the "temp" between Belfour and Pogge/Rask, I'd definately suggest bring in Czechmanek as a back-up. He's supposed to be unbelievable on shootouts.

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