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Haircut Styles

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So, my hair is starting to get freakeshly long and I wanna get a haircut soon. I'm wondering if you guy's had some good sites for men's hairstyles. I don't want anything too crazy like a mullet or a mohawk. Constructive Ideas lol. My head is in your hands.

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Contact ambro for tips on a skullet. But seriously, whatever suits you, get something that you can do lots with and style it different ways so you don't have the same head of hair each day.

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Yeah I was thinking about something more traditional right now, maybe the Bert Hawk with the dyed middle. (You can see what I mean on the Bert and Jovo Team Canada leg raise pic.

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Idk, I always grow it out, and then shave it and let it grow back. It just seems easier than having to do anything to it.

Thats what I do except I cut it short not shaved.

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Contact ambro for tips on a skullet. But seriously, whatever suits you, get something that you can do lots with and style it different ways so you don't have the same head of hair each day.

Here's my tips on a skullet: don't get one, they're ugly as hell. However, it makes for a good laugh between you and your buddies for a very long time.

Dangles - I'm surprised anyone remembered that... :lol:

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How could you not forget that. It was like seeing Corey Feldman in Friday the 13th Part whatever start to go Jason-ish.

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So, my hair is starting to get freakeshly long and I wanna get a haircut soon. I'm wondering if you guy's had some good sites for men's hairstyles. I don't want anything too crazy like a mullet or a mohawk. Constructive Ideas lol. My head is in your hands.

Can't give you much advice unless you dish the basics. Curly, Straight, Wavy, etc. Right now I've got the whole Seth Cohen thing going on and it looks good on me, but on some people it would be pure gongshow, so you have to give some details..

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My hair is pretty long, more of a mop, I don't do a damn thing with it. I shower at least once a day and that manages it fine. I just pat it down and use my fingers as a comb every once in a while.

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I can't remember the last time I combed my hair and only wash it maybe every other day. Then again I dye it more often than not, so don't heed any of my advice unless you want to be called "the emo guy at the office."

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I've currently got an Andrei Markov hairstyle going on


Long and randomly messy looking.

Call me crazy or obsessed but I always style my hair like my favorite nhl players. Try it. Look around player portraits and you might find something you like ;)

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I heard a great line about one of the newer hair styles.

A friend of mine coaches midgets and one of the kids got a cut that looks like a shag rug sitting on top of the head -- full on top, shaved on the sides.

So the kid asked my friend, "Hey, Coach, what do you think of the new Do, huh?"

"I think I would have paid the extra $4.95 and gotten the full service.... ;) "

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I have the shag. Been rockin it for a few years now, but hey I'm in a punk-metal band (who's opening for PROTEST THE HERO!) and I have the tamest hair of the bunch. Go with the shaggy hair, or really short, chicks dig those the most from my experiences.

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