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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Guitar stuff or what ever you play

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  Dan_The_Man_16 said:
Bruin, that is soo phat I can't wait untill I get mine.

Just thought I would brag a little bit on here :P but my band just got a gig opening for PROTEST THE HERO if you've ever heard of them you know their sick and I'm sooo pumped I've gotta go rent a stack for a month though so Dan's out.

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I've been hearing great things about the B-52 AT series amps. At $799 US for a 2x12 all tube combo, it's not priced too badly either.

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  Bruin88 said:
are those the stealth ones? with the rectifier modes and such?
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No, the stealth is a different series. The 100W head is around $699US and the 4x12 is $399. I'm going to stop in and demo one tomorrow. It would be nice to have an amp as functional and versatile as my old Mesa Dual Rectifier for 1/2 the cost.


There are some good reviews on harmonycentral.com

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Oh geez... I've got tons of stuff.

2 65' Fender Jazzmasters both pre CBS parts one re-fin'd and beat to hell (sweetest guitar I own) and one sunburst in excellent original condition.

A mid 80's Rickenbacker 610 black

A mid 60's Rick 360 fireglo (second sweetest guitar)

An 80's Japan Tele Custom re-issue candy apple red

An early 80's Les Paul standard wine red

A re-issue Danelectro baritone guitar

An 86' Kramer Pacer Custom II in flip-flop blue (my metal axe supreme)

A late 50's Kay archtop acoustic

A 60's Gibson acoustic (a low end model I can't remember off hand)

A 60's Silvertone acoustic

And the most beautiful ultra primo James Goodall acoustic that used to be my dads

My main amp was always a 94 Top Hat T-35TB (similair to an AC-30) head with a mid 70's Marshall slant 4x12 but I usually just use a Line 6 Flextone III now when goofin' in the house. I've also got a couple 60's Silvertone Twin Twelves and a 1x12 and 1x8" Sivlertone amp to match, a Clark Amplification prototpye head that's a bit like a hotrodded plexi paneled marshall 50 watt, and too many effects to list right now. My favs are a Prescription Electonics Dual Tone and a Teese wah pedal.

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  jay said:
Oh geez... I've got tons of stuff.

2 65' Fender Jazzmasters both pre CBS parts one re-fin'd and beat to hell (sweetest guitar I own) and one sunburst in excellent original condition.

A mid 80's Rickenbacker 610 black

A mid 60's Rick 360 fireglo (second sweetest guitar)

An 80's Japan Tele Custom re-issue candy apple red

An early 80's Les Paul standard wine red

A re-issue Danelectro baritone guitar

An 86' Kramer Pacer Custom II in flip-flop blue (my metal axe supreme)

A late 50's Kay archtop acoustic

A 60's Gibson acoustic (a low end model I can't remember off hand)

A 60's Silvertone acoustic

And the most beautiful ultra primo James Goodall acoustic that used to be my dads

My main amp was always a 94 Top Hat T-35TB (similair to an AC-30) head with a mid 70's Marshall slant 4x12 but I usually just use a Line 6 Flextone III now when goofin' in the house. I've also got a couple 60's Silvertone Twin Twelves and a 1x12 and 1x8" Sivlertone amp to match, a Clark Amplification prototpye head that's a bit like a hotrodded plexi paneled marshall 50 watt, and too many effects to list right now. My favs are a Prescription Electonics Dual Tone and a Teese wah pedal.

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and the winner is...

but yeah ,how do gibson les paul studios compare to your standard?

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  Bruin88 said:
and the winner is...

but yeah ,how do gibson les paul studios compare to your standard?

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If memory serves me correct, the Les Paul Studio is solid mahogany carved top construction with no neck or body binding and cheaper parts. Back in the early 90's they weren't bad guitars for the money but they sound a bit different then a real LP with a carved maple laminated top.

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I'll post some pics when I have time, but here is a list for now.

-Ibanez S470dqxm (quitled maple in lavender),Ibanez ceramic neck pickup and alnico bridge pickup. ZR tremelo, absolutely love the trem

-Yamaha acoustic, first guitar

-Fender classical

-Line6 Podxt Live w/ all model packs. Absolutely worth every penny.

-Crate power block with the "quarter" stack celestion

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  Bruin88 said:
thats awesome ,how much is it to rent a stack?
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I get a great deal because my friend/bandmates dad is best friends with the owner of Long and McQuade so Im only paying $250 for the month, I couldnt tell you how much it would cost to rent it at regular price. For anyone who is interested I rented a Line 6 HD 147 head and a Marshall 4x12 cabinet. Yea there is a PA but it sucks; they better not make me hook up through it, but I guess I gotta do what I gotta do.

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WOW, you guys got some nice stuff! Here are mine:

Godin SDxt: Great guitar handmade in Québec.


Epiphone PR6E Electro Accoustic:


Boss MT2 Metal zone, Marshall Jackhammer, Danelectro FabTone:


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I dont feel like taking a pic so I'll just list my stuff:

-Pearl Export Series navy blueish 5 piece set

-Sabian B8 Pro 20" Medium Ride

-Sabian B8 Pro 18" Medium Crash

-Sabian B8 Pro 16" Medium Crash

-Sabian B8 Pro 14" Medium Hats

-Sabian B8 Pro 10" China Splash

-Sabian XS20 10" Splash

-Pearl Tambourine

-LP Cow bell

-Argent (absolutely teribble) cymbal that I stomped on and turned it inside out and drilled four holes in. Sounds crazy.

-Tama Iron Cobra double pedal.

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srry to bring up an old thread, but i didnot want to start a new one.

ive got a Washburn WI64DL idol, blue, quilted top.guitar

ounder the descriptions, click the blue box and that is mine. This is my favortie guitar.

Fender Squir Strat, black. Fender Frontman 15g amp, with Boss DS-1 pedal.

"Vintage" winston guitar accoustic. it was my dads. black and red. maybe cherry wood.

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  Fonya said:
Well the only good cymbal I have right now is a Sabian handhammered dark crash that I got with money from christmas. The other crash is a zildjian zbt. The hats are sabian b8pros as well as the splash. The ride is actually good too, its a no logo zildjian k made in Canada. I dont know how familiar you are with drumming but zildjian and sabians owners are brothers. All zildjian cymbals made in canada at the time were k's. When one of the brothers split, he got the zildjian factory in Canada and made Sabian.

All the cymbals except for the HH dark crash are from my old used kit. I upgraded the kit in the summer and now Im working on cymbals.

You drum?

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Yeah, I'm looking to buy my first kit too. I'm thinking either a Tama Stagestar or Premier Cobria. Any suggestions? I'm looking to buy it from here (www.rockingrooster.co.uk) and my price range is from £200 to £350

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I've got a 2004 blue-green standard fat strat, although I don't like the humbucker and would rather have a single coil there in the bridge, a 1979 Fender Princeton Amp, a ts808 reissue, and a vox wah.

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BlackPearl Export Kit

-K custom Dark crash

-K custom Fast Crash

-A custom hi-hats

-zxt splash

-zbt ride (hopefully not for long)

-Paiste China

-Pearl p122 double bass

-remo ebony(black) pinstripe heads

-8 Piece set

-Gibraltar GRSC50C Drum Rack

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I don't have any pics of my stuff

-guild electric don't know the model number and I've never seen another, but I've been told its an old blues guitar, dual hummbuckers and a three position switch.

- Yari-Alvarez GY-1 Jerry Garcia's designed acoustic guitar

-Fender Blues Deville 2*15 amp

-Sovtek Big Muff Pi pedal

I told myself after I got my first job I would buy a nice new guitar, but 8 years later and I still haven't bought anything, probably because I've been too busy to play.

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  Quintin said:
Yeah, I'm looking to buy my first kit too. I'm thinking either a Tama Stagestar or Premier Cobria. Any suggestions? I'm looking to buy it from here (www.rockingrooster.co.uk) and my price range is from £200 to £350
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Don't go for the Stagestar. The rack toms are really small (therefore high pitched) and sound like marching tenors. The bass is also rediculously small and is very quiet. The cymbals that come with it are crap too, IMO.

My Stagestar:


Fender Jass Bass:


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