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New RBK jerseys & pants

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I know we've talked about it...will it happen...? what will it look like?


THIS scares me...

I wish I knew who this guy was: One anonymous GM said: "Terrible. Just terrible. If we're forced to use them, well, we've got no choice, but if there's a choice, no way."

and to top it off...they used a picture of Ribeiro (a Mission guy...go figure!)

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what are they doing making the players wear bodysuits, like swimmers, with pads sewn in? this is a joke. sweaters have always been loose, and who in then hell does rbk/addias think they are to make these changes to the game we love? are they looking to do turn the nhl into the nfl, oh i forgot there is "no contact" in the "new" nhl.

sweaters have been loose since the league began let's keep it that way.

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If the GM's/PA have any say, they will.

But, when RBK starts flashing more $$$$$ in front of Bettman will he forget his "partnership" with owners and players and trump them.

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I've allways wondered why the hockey world is sooo traditionalist héhé!

Come on, this could be fun!

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I've allways wondered why the hockey world is sooo traditionalist héhé!

Come on, this could be fun!

you mean you would like watching figure skaters play hockey?

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No I would juste like to see something different that the jerseys they've been wearing for the past few decades!

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These jerseys are going to look like a baby wearing tights and a huge black diaper because of the "new" hockey pants. :angry:

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These jerseys are going to look like a baby wearing tights and a huge black diaper because of the "new" hockey pants. :angry:

Nope, the players will have to wear the new RBK pants that are designed to go with the jerseys.

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thats the stupidest idea i've ever heard

RBK wanted gloves and helmets too. Personally, I don't think it's good for the equipment industry for that to happen. Besides, can you imagine if Gretz had to wear an HT2 or one of the old Coopers? I like the idea of each player being able to have a little personality in their appearance, let alone comfort and fit.

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what are they doing making the players wear bodysuits, like swimmers, with pads sewn in? this is a joke. sweaters have always been loose, and who in then hell does rbk/addias think they are to make these changes to the game we love? are they looking to do turn the nhl into the nfl, oh i forgot there is "no contact" in the "new" nhl.

sweaters have been loose since the league began let's keep it that way.

I'm really against the tight sweaters, I really don't think it will add anything to the game apart from a new talking point, and I don't see how it will help generate positive exposure. I guess the NFL adopted tighter jerseys, and what seems like a stock of template jersey designs, and it works for them.

I also wanted to quote this post because hockey jerseys weren't alway loose. The old school woollen jerseys were pretty tight.

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I always thought the "old school" tight jersey was a little ugly. I'm not to worried about the changes though. Even if the guys in the NHL are forced to look rediculous while playing I'm not.

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I like the idea. If they can find a way to make everyting fit right that is. I don't want to see any huge equipment sticking out. The WJR's weren't that bad with those Nike Fit sweaters.

I thik it's a good idea as hockey is the last sport that has this losse fitting sweaters you can hang off. Football,soccer, are all form fitting and they look good.

As to tucking or no tucking, that should be up to the player.

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I really hope all the GM's openly voice their displeasure with Reebok's "futuristic" jersey designs to avoid making the NHL look like Tron on acid.

I think it's bunk that Reebok gets an exclusive on hockey pants with the new design, too. What motivation will manufacturers have to improve their pant designs if they can't be used in the NHL?

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I really hope all the GM's openly voice their displeasure with Reebok's "futuristic" jersey designs to avoid making the NHL look like Tron on acid.

I think it's bunk that Reebok gets an exclusive on hockey pants with the new design, too. What motivation will manufacturers have to improve their pant designs if they can't be used in the NHL?

Thats a good question! Why does RBK have so much influence in the NHL , and at my Local Hockey rinks...I see them everywhere.

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I really hope all the GM's openly voice their displeasure with Reebok's "futuristic" jersey designs to avoid making the NHL look like Tron on acid.

I think it's bunk that Reebok gets an exclusive on hockey pants with the new design, too. What motivation will manufacturers have to improve their pant designs if they can't be used in the NHL?

Thats a good question! Why does RBK have so much influence in the NHL , and at my Local Hockey rinks...I see them everywhere.

its called branding, Look at coke..they're pros at it

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I really hope all the GM's openly voice their displeasure with Reebok's "futuristic" jersey designs to avoid making the NHL look like Tron on acid.

I think it's bunk that Reebok gets an exclusive on hockey pants with the new design, too. What motivation will manufacturers have to improve their pant designs if they can't be used in the NHL?

Thats a good question! Why does RBK have so much influence in the NHL , and at my Local Hockey rinks...I see them everywhere.

its called branding, Look at coke..they're pros at it

Coke's been around for 100 years,RBK what A year? I know they are doing a good job at it but what do they offer that any other Hockey manufactor can't. It's not the sticks or Im sorry guy's those Pump skate that CCM came out with like 10 Years ago. They make nice protective equipment for a premium price and the Hockey players Im sure will fight this because every hockey player has a preference for sticks,gloves,pants and so on. what does RBK want to do make the NHL a Cathlic school with uniforms...come on.

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