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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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cutting sticks

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Think of it like as pencil or a crayon...A pencil will flex quite a bit when it is new, at its full length. When more and more of the length is removed, the pencil becomes stiffer.

Same thing with Hockey Sticks.

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Think of it like as pencil or a crayon...A pencil will flex quite a bit when it is new, at its full length. When more and more of the length is removed, the pencil becomes stiffer.

Same thing with Hockey Sticks.

Same thing with non tapered shafts. Tapered shafts flex more quickly in a specific area (near the blade) than standard shafts do. Cutting the butt end of a tapered shaft will stiffen a stick, but not nearly as much as cutting a standard shaft.

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on average, for evey inch you cut off of a stick you increase the stiffnes by about 7%

More like 2% for every inch you cut off.

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on average, for evey inch you cut off of a stick you increase the stiffnes by about 7%

Not even close.

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i guess its also like snapping a pencil, the shorter the pencil is, the harder it is to break, will be stiffer

stiffer sticks don't necessarily mean more durable. A soft stick technically has more give to it and can accept great impacts without snapping

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The 2006 NBH catalog features a chart on page 27 that lets you know how cutting off 1", + 1/2" increments effects stick flex. The info varies according to the flex you start with. If you take 1" off each of the OPS with these flexes here is what happens: 67 = 70.5, 77 = 81, 87 = 91.5, and 102 = 107.3. I have a 77 flex XXX that I cut over 5" off. Now its supposed to be a 97 flex. Holy moly!!

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on average, for evey inch you cut off of a stick you increase the stiffnes by about 7%

More like 2% for every inch you cut off.

no offense, but where do you guys get these numbers?

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Cutting it makes it stiffer -- any way of making the stick more whippier - besides for sticking in a huge long butt end? Would luv to make my 100 flex feel like a 85.


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Cutting it makes it stiffer -- any way of making the stick more whippier - besides for sticking in a huge long butt end? Would luv to make my 100 flex feel like a 85.


I'm curious as well.

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I have a 100 flex z bubble with a 6 inch wood buttend in the end so what would it be now??

Its a tiny bit long for me so would cutting it say an inch or maybe a little less make any difference to the flex as it had a wooden buttend?

The z bubble come so damn short!!!!!!!!

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