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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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graf 707

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All white just like ladys figure skates...hmm...puckmarks, puckmarks and more puckmarks... :P

then why get white anyhting?

i mean even goalies get all white pads

i could just clean them A LOT!

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you can get those custom

i think the regular custom scheme of black/white looks much much better than that all-white figure skate looking thing

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All white just like ladys figure skates...hmm...puckmarks, puckmarks and more puckmarks... :P


wow, thats a really good idea!

does it work on helmet scratches? and how bout glove scratches?

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would you guys like a set of steel with toe picks for those?

;) My first thought seeing those was "hmmmmm.... I wonder if T-Blades makes a toe-pick add-on?"

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I'm just guessing that the guys commenting on the looks of these skates wear 8090s or Pro Tacks, right?

I'll be getting my Graf 709's this week. I like the look of Graf Great Whites but those all white skates look terrible.

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would you guys like a set of steel with toe picks for those?

not funny

i dont think they look like figure skates, i really like them.

I'm allowed to my opinion too.

I don't know what this obsession about white/pink is though.

Yes I do wear a pair of 8090.

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would you guys like a set of steel with toe picks for those?

not funny

i dont think they look like figure skates, i really like them.

I'm allowed to my opinion too.

I don't know what this obsession about white/pink is though.

Yes I do wear a pair of 8090.

i was kidding

the first thing i thought when 1 saw them was "do they come with batteries"

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would you guys like a set of steel with toe picks for those?

not funny

i dont think they look like figure skates, i really like them.

I'm allowed to my opinion too.

I don't know what this obsession about white/pink is though.

Yes I do wear a pair of 8090.

i was kidding

the first thing i thought when 1 saw them was "do they come with batteries"

Oh well, hate to be sexist, but as I discovered in the NHL section, you ARE female, so I think you could pull off the skates. :lol:

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