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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lindros P88 lie 6? No way, impossible!

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Ok so here is the problem: i've found in the lindros pattern (vapor XV and Vapor I the same pattern) the perfect lie for me. My tape wears out so envenly, i've never seen that! It says in every chart it's a lie 6 so i bought an Yzerman wich is Lie 6.

There is NO WAY those 2 blades are the same lie Lindros P88 and Yzerman) IMG_0010.jpg

I come to the conclusion that Bauer and Eston don't have the same measures for lie. I checked at my LHS and a Bauer lie 6 (like lindros) would be an Easton Lie 5. I have a CCM v120 Recchi too (lie 5) and it's identical to the Lindros. WTF?

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I think it's a foregone conclusion that you can't trust Bauer's lie descriptions. I can think of many discussions here on MSH that have centered around the Bauer lie descriptions.

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I think it's a foregone conclusion that you can't trust Bauer's lie descriptions. I can think of many discussions here on MSH that have centered around the Bauer lie descriptions.

I would i have like to know that BEFORE i buy that Yzerman Blade. Anyway i resold it on ebay and i made profit :D

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I found that when I compared my p88s with a lidstrom (which is supposed to be a 5, right?) they were a good bit on the 4 side. I'd say that the 6 in Bauer is probably more like a 4.5 Easton

I also went from a yzerman to a p88. I guess it was a little strange to begin with but I got used to it. Just means I don't have to hold my elbows up as high.

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so if a lie 6 is really a lie 5, then is a lie 5 really a 4?

Lindros is more like a 5.5-5.75

I'd say Lindros P88 is just plain Easton 5 lie. Anyway it's a CCM 5 lie for SURE.

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I found that when I compared my p88s with a lidstrom (which is supposed to be a 5, right?) they were a good bit on the 4 side. I'd say that the 6 in Bauer is probably more like a 4.5 Easton

I also went from a yzerman to a p88. I guess it was a little strange to begin with but I got used to it. Just means I don't have to hold my elbows up as high.

The Lidstrom curve is a 5.5 .

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so if a lie 6 is really a lie 5, then is a lie 5 really a 4?

Lindros is more like a 5.5-5.75

I'd say Lindros P88 is just plain Easton 5 lie. Anyway it's a CCM 5 lie for SURE.

The ones I've seen/sold were not 5. It's only a 5 if the toe is an inch off the ice.

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so if a lie 6 is really a lie 5, then is a lie 5 really a 4?

Lindros is more like a 5.5-5.75

I'd say Lindros P88 is just plain Easton 5 lie. Anyway it's a CCM 5 lie for SURE.

I agree...I use a CCM Recchi and the Bauer Lindros both have the same lie...which is close to the Easton Modano/Forsberg lie.


I have all 3 patterns. When I put the dead center of the blade on the floor for each curve, then align the center up with the blade before and/or after it, the shafts are perfectly aligned.

CCM Recchi is published as a 6 lie, Bauer Lindros is published as a 6 lie, Easton Modano is published as a 5 lie.

Adding in a Easton Sakic or Lidstrom into the mix, I can easily see that they are higher lies. To keep them even horizontally to the floor and in the center of the blade, the shaft rises higher that any of the 3 above. These two are published with 5.5 lies.

All I know is somebody is lying...

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I use both a v110 Lecavalier curve a a Vapor XX Jokinen one. Lecavalier is supposed to be a 6 lie, and the Jokinen a 5/5.5. Yet, the lie on the Jokinen seems to be higher. It's getting a little confusing.

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I agree...I use a CCM Recchi and the Bauer Lindros both have the same lie...which is close to the Easton Modano/Forsberg lie.


I have all 3 patterns. When I put the dead center of the blade on the floor for each curve, then align the center up with the blade before and/or after it, the shafts are perfectly aligned.

CCM Recchi is published as a 6 lie, Bauer Lindros is published as a 6 lie, Easton Modano is published as a 5 lie.

Exactly what i found out too at my LHS by comparing blades. But the CCM Recchi is published as a 5 lie on most charts (The MSH one at least)

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I agree...I use a CCM Recchi and the Bauer Lindros both have the same lie...which is close to the Easton Modano/Forsberg lie.


I have all 3 patterns. When I put the dead center of the blade on the floor for each curve, then align the center up with the blade before and/or after it, the shafts are perfectly aligned.

CCM Recchi is published as a 6 lie, Bauer Lindros is published as a 6 lie, Easton Modano is published as a 5 lie.

Exactly what i found out too at my LHS by comparing blades. But the CCM Recchi is published as a 5 lie on most charts (The MSH one at least)

Well, I can buy that Recchi is a 5, I was just going by what's published on the CCM website.

FWIW, All the ones I have are comp. blades.

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Can some one help me with lie please?? I,ve been using iggy for like 1 year and tried a lindros and couldn't get used to the lie, i'm now using my back-up franklin guerin(my iggy broke) and i feel that i am having difficulty with my toe-drag and stickhandling.

I actually think that the guerin have more blade on the ice than the iggy(shaft same lenght...the puck/blade is closer to my body than i'm used with my iggy) also, the wear on my iggy is mostly at the heel.

Do this mean that i prefer lower lie, or higher lie? Finally,does it mean that my guerin is a higher lie or a lower lie compared to a 5.5 iggy..

Thanks you for the clarification...

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