pldhockey4 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 im a junoir in high school. freshman, sophmore and now junior year someone has brought a gun to school. this is crazy, are your alls schools like this? i live in the richer part of town, and we are definately not the "bad" school. why do we have these guns in school? its kinda scary because we know they will be braught, we just dont know when. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 If you ask this many questions--not to mention the quality of said questions--in class I can see why guns are brought to your school. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pldhockey4 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 If you ask this many questions--not to mention the quality of said questions--in class I can see why guns are brought to your school. wow, that really wasnt funny, maybe if you actually were witty itd be ok. i made this to find out how or if there schools have to deal with this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chadd 916 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 I'm with Mack on this one and you're now on mod-approved posting Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rustybender 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 The reason guns are brought into schools, by Rustybender15-20 years ago things were different. I don't mean socially. No we still had poor kids and rich kids and good kids and bad kids, we even had gangs. No, I mean mentally. Back then, kids were allowed to fail. Nobody talked about self esteem. Kids were allowed to be dumb. The jocks were allowed to flunk math or science, and the nerds were allowed to flunk gym class. Kids were allowed to fail tests! If you failed a test, you studied harder and tried again. If you failed again, then you just weren't very good at that subject.Failure was not just limited to the classroom either. 7 year olds learned the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat in little leauge baseball, football, and soccer games. In these games kids learned that some of them would be good at everything, most would be good at something, and a few would be good at nothing. Yes it was fun to play, but it was more fun to play and win!Even video games were harsh. There were no cheats. And when cheats came around, we didn't use them!Back then, nobody expect every kid to like every kid. Some would be popular, some would be content to just blend in, and some would be picked on, alot. The targets got picked on for lots of reasons. Sometimes because they dressed different, sometimes because they were smart, sometimes becasue they were poor. Life was harsh for the targets, but they would ultimately survive. Sometimes fights started. Sometimes it ended in a draw, but usually one person got their ass kicked and they learned not to pick a fight with that person again. Sometime a person would challenge a clearly undermatched person to a fight. They would either step up and take their beating or back out an live with knwing they "chickened out." Sometimes you didn't have a choice and you fought becasue you had to.Back in the day, kids knew from a very early age that we are not all equal. They understood that not everyone is a winner. Life taught us how to accept our limitations.Fast forward to the present day. If a kid is failing a class, it is the fault of the school being too old, the teacher not teaching correctly, or the test being written poorly. It was never the fault of a kid just not being very good at math. Oh and if a kid is failing gym because he can't make a basket? Lower the rim, or let the kid take up "cup stacking."We then carried these ideas to the little league. Let's not keep score, that way everyone is a winner!Let's force kids to like each other. We will expel students for bullying and we will expand the definition of bullying to include mean words. Kids are free to express their opinions, as long as it doesn't hurt anyones feelings.We have taught our children that if you can't be a winner, change the rules until you are a winner. Kids are smart and have picked up this idea and ran with it. Why work at being better at something when it is easier to just change the way a game is played.We spent so much effort protect the self esteem of kids, that we have left them incapable of dealing with defeat.You want respect as a tough guy but can't fight worth a damn? Change the rules, bring in a gun! Someone wants to kick your ass and you know that you can't beat them? Change the rules, bring in a gun! Does billy keep knock your textbooks on the floor? Threaten him with a gun! So in answer to your question. The reason kids bring guns to schools is because they don't want to fail and are looking for a precieved easy way to "one-up" the competition. They are looking for a way to cheat around thier limitations. Unfortunately, once someone cheats and plays the gun card, theres not much you can do to compete, other than to cheat back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
analog999 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 I think a lot of it stems from the jocks getting unfair treatment from school teachers and administration. Billy quarterback and Joe star linebacker usually get away with pretty much whatever they want. Taunting, teasing, attacking -- how long can some people take it? None of us have had to experience what some of these kids go through. I distinctly remember teasing some kids in HS (not that I was a jock or anything), but I can only imagine how angry, hurt and disturbed they probably were. When I see those people, I apologize.One guy I went to school with, elementary through HS, we teased CONSTANTLY. It was really bad ... in elementary people would spit on his jacket. That was just the start of it. Beat up nearly every week. Kids would make him climb the fence to get the ball and when he would try to climb back they would kick the chain link at full force so that he couldn't. His home life was terrible. His mother was this fat raging alcoholic bitch who lived right next to school in govt supplied housing. Long story short he ended up becoming a child molester and when I see him now he looks like the scum of the earth. And he tried to get everyone to like him. He tried to work hard at being a good kid. He raised the most money for our elementary school fundraiser... he even won a new bicycle, which I'm sure was stolen or had its tires slashed. I just wonder how his life might have been different if I had never gone after him myself and instead was just his friend.So, anyway, I can see why these kids do what they do. It would not be easy to be in these kids' shoes. I don't think the problem is them, I think the problem is what is making them who they become. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boycey 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 Here in Britain we don't have people bringing guns into schools because guns aren't as easy to obtain here. In America it seems that, bar convicted felons or the mentally unstable, anyone can legally get hold of a gun. And until someone does something about American gun laws, situations such as guns in schools are going to continue to arise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CHIEF22 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 legally Thats the key word here. If you want one bad enough they can be had. I think another big problem is all the sensationalism thet gets put on these types of incidents. I think if they were dealt with without all the hype it wpuld be a different story. Rustybender, Great analysis. That hits it on the head. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
donkey87 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 legally Thats the key word here. If you want one bad enough they can be had. I think another big problem is all the sensationalism thet gets put on these types of incidents. I think if they were dealt with without all the hype it wpuld be a different story. Exactly. Even with stricter gun control, if you want a gun bag enough there are ways to get one. Kids aren't even allowed to purchase firearms, so all those kids who bring guns to school, aquire their firearms illegally. Even if you found a way to prevent kids from having access to guns, they would find other weapons. My senior year of HS a kid brought samuri swords to school and sliced two people before a security guard tackled him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fonya 0 Report post Posted February 10, 2006 Like how Paul Martin wanted to put a national ban on handguns. The people that got them legally arent the ones causing trouble...DUH! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drewhunz 3 Report post Posted February 11, 2006 Remember- When cheeseburgers are outlawed, only outlaws will have cheeseburgers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jason Harris 31 Report post Posted February 11, 2006 The people that got them legally arent the ones causing trouble...DUH! Given a good portion of murders are crimes of passion, that's not necessarily true.I think Chief22 is correct about the sensationalism. I remember reading about a multiple murder-suicide in SD about twelve years ago and said to my wife, "Why do they put this stuff on the front page? If they buried it on page 8 of the Metro section, we wouldn't have the copycats." Sure enough, two-and-a-half weeks later, a copycat shot another three or four people and made the front page.But there's obviously something off in American society, because other countries have far lower murder rates. Although, sadly, some countries murder rates are growing, which leads one to believe we're exporting an unwelcome part of our society, especially when we consider some of these countries are more homogenous than we are.It pains me to say this, but I'm begun to question over the last 10-15 years whether some people in our society are having a tough time distinguishing the fantasy they see on TV, at the movies, in magazines, and the reality that there are repurcussions to unsheathing a knife or pulling a trigger.The reason I say it "pains" me is because there is no doubt action films are my favorite. For years, my good buddy and I would go to the movies every Friday night and that would be our first choice. However, most of us realize the fantasy s over the second the credits came on, yet I'm worried there are some people for whom the fantasy of a quick and easy retribution lives on long after they leave the theater. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kovalchuk71 212 Report post Posted February 11, 2006 If you ask this many questions--not to mention the quality of said questions--in class I can see why guns are brought to your school. That made me laugh pretty hard...BTW I like your article Rusty, it really spoke to me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pldhockey4 0 Report post Posted February 11, 2006 If you ask this many questions--not to mention the quality of said questions--in class I can see why guns are brought to your school. That made me laugh pretty hard...BTW I like your article Rusty, it really spoke to me well, honestly your sense of humor is sour. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stock07 1 Report post Posted February 11, 2006 This is one of the most insightful threads thats come about in awhile on here(even considering the sorce of the thread, pldhockey4 Im just bustin your chops)....Rusty that was a great piece, good points and well put together you get an A+... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pldhockey4 0 Report post Posted February 11, 2006 This is one of the most insightful threads thats come about in awhile on here(even considering the sorce of the thread, pldhockey4 Im just bustin your chops)....Rusty that was a great piece, good points and well put together you get an A+... tell that to the man who put me on mod approval that! because you all arent in school means dont comment here, i mean my gun in school topic is for kids in school, not 45 year old men who are useless for this topic! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fonya 0 Report post Posted February 11, 2006 The people that got them legally arent the ones causing trouble...DUH! Given a good portion of murders are crimes of passion, that's not necessarily true. What I was trying to get at was, if someone wanted to do a crime with a gun, they will find one. Most of the gun crimes in Canada have been with illegal guns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jason Harris 31 Report post Posted February 11, 2006 What I was trying to get at was, if someone wanted to do a crime with a gun, they will find one. Most of the gun crimes in Canada have been with illegal guns. I realize that is what you were saying.In converse, I was saying that Americans have been adept enough to figure how to commit illegal crimes with legal guns -- in numbers that are too large for anyone's acceptance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted February 11, 2006 This is one of the most insightful threads thats come about in awhile on here(even considering the sorce of the thread, pldhockey4 Im just bustin your chops)....Rusty that was a great piece, good points and well put together you get an A+... tell that to the man who put me on mod approval that! because you all arent in school means dont comment here, i mean my gun in school topic is for kids in school, not 45 year old men who are useless for this topic! You're useless everywhere. Congratulations on being the longest-living stillborn out there though. I'll make you a hat and cake. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rustybender 0 Report post Posted February 11, 2006 tell that to the man who put me on mod approval that! because you all arent in school means dont comment here, i mean my gun in school topic is for kids in school, not 45 year old men who are useless for this topic!Ahh yes, how silly of me. The only people who could possible have a grasp on what is wrong with society are 16 year old kids. How foolish for me to thinking that having witnessed the metamorphisis of school violence over the last 20 years might give me a valuable perspective.A 16 year old grew up in the days of guns in schools. That is the world they know and for many of them, guns in schools is "just they way things are."Me on the other hand, while far from the 45 your l33t m4th sk11z put me at, I am older than you and the world I grew up in was different. I feel this gives me a valuable perspective. The schools I went to were very violent. Fights were a daily occurence. I've seen first hand what happens when someone is thrown through a window. (it is messy to say the least.) I had a friend placed in a medically induced coma to allow his body to heal after a beating. High school was not a good memory for me. What I'm trying to say here, is violence in schools is not any more common now then it was when I was in high school 15 years ago. The only thing that has changed is the nature of the violence. So you are not allowed to discount my opinion just because I am older than you. To do so would be a stunning example of ignorance on your part.Now, if I haven't lost you by using too many words, go back and reread my first post and think about what I said. It's not that difficult, but I'll be nice and summarize it for you here.I drew a parallel between the push to remove failure from kids lives, and the shift in violence from beatings to shootings. It is not nessecarily a direct cause and effect relationship, but it is undoubtably a relationship.Now swallow your pride and think about that, then think about what needs to be done to change your world for the better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chadd 916 Report post Posted February 11, 2006 I grew up in a time and place when kids had gun racks in their trucks so they could go hunting before or after school. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Project_2501 0 Report post Posted February 11, 2006 This is one of the most insightful threads thats come about in awhile on here(even considering the sorce of the thread, pldhockey4 Im just bustin your chops)....Rusty that was a great piece, good points and well put together you get an A+... tell that to the man who put me on mod approval that! because you all arent in school means dont comment here, i mean my gun in school topic is for kids in school, not 45 year old men who are useless for this topic! You're useless everywhere. Congratulations on being the longest-living stillborn out there though. I'll make you a hat and cake. Poster child for Pro-choice? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zach11 0 Report post Posted February 12, 2006 It's a shame that people think they have to do stuff like that to get attention, or to get what they want. A couple of years ago at our H.S. a kid made about 4 bomb threats before he was caught. His reason for making the threats was because his girlfriend broke up with him. None of the bombs he made were actually real however, they were just look alikes. I know it will never happen, but i wish people would just get along. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pldhockey4 0 Report post Posted February 12, 2006 This is one of the most insightful threads thats come about in awhile on here(even considering the sorce of the thread, pldhockey4 Im just bustin your chops)....Rusty that was a great piece, good points and well put together you get an A+... tell that to the man who put me on mod approval that! because you all arent in school means dont comment here, i mean my gun in school topic is for kids in school, not 45 year old men who are useless for this topic! You're useless everywhere. Congratulations on being the longest-living stillborn out there though. I'll make you a hat and cake. Poster child for Pro-choice? yeah, and mack is the poster child for assholes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted February 12, 2006 Good-bye. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites