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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warning to all glove shoppers

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Now that I sound like a plug for the title I used on the topic, I just would like to send a message to everyone at MSH as far as gloves go.

I just got back from an X-ray and my thumb is broken from going full speed on a 2 on 1 in practice, then losing my edge, and sliding full speed into the goal post, my left hand being the first thing to impact the post.

Unfortunately for me, I had been wearing my vapor XX gloves on practice on tuesday, when it happened. Because of the contour and the lower density of the side of the hand protection of the XX, my thumb is broken. If I had been wearing my pro-stock bauer 5000's like I should have been, my season wouldn't be over right now. I really like my 5000's, but had been using my vapor XX off ice for using the kwik hands balls and working on my stickhandling and shooting. I decided to give them another try on ice knowing they didn't have as good protection, and I am paying the consequences.

Just a heads up expressing how important it is to be properly protected, not just wearing the coolest and lightest gear.

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dude..sorry your thumb is busted and all..but if you think it wouldn't have happened because you had 5000's on...i seriously doubt it..its not like you are talking about some entry level foam glove vs a pro stock 5000...you wiped out at full speed and smacked your hand against the post...hmm..i think the only glove that would protect you in that case (if you hit it on the padding side even) was the one on an Eagle Sentry...maybe you should get a pair of those

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actually id say 100% of pro gloves have the thumb extremely reinforced so its a possibility. I used to have pro stock CCM gloves, i swear you could have over head slashed my thumb and id laugh at you.

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actually id say 100% of pro gloves have the thumb extremely reinforced so its a possibility. I used to have pro stock CCM gloves, i swear you could have over head slashed my thumb and id laugh at you.

I broke my thumb soph year (in a different spot) in a pair of quest 2's because of going straight into the boards with my hands out. I got a pair of 5000's that january because of my thumb. Junior year, my 5000 get stolen, and I'm consistantly spraining my thumb in the XX's last year. I get the pro 5000's on ebay, and no problems, no hand injuries period. Then I got my pro 5000 pants. I mainly credit those two items for having kept me in the games for as long as I have been.

Also, I'm with yglod on the thumb protection. I could have smashed my thumb into anything in those gloves, and came out unscratched.

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After 1 years and a half of wearing my vapor XX. My only downside is the thumb's protection, actually i think it should feature a more ''lock thumb'' like a tigther fit.

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well pro pants, always heavier, are more protective than any retail pant available.

Actually, our pants from this past season are darn close to pro pants. We had to redesign them to be thinner, since rec players complained about too much padding.

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Sorry that you broke your thumb but i doubt it was the gloves fault. From how you describe it, I dont think any retail glove could prevent that kind of impact from doing SOMETHING to your thumb. Pro gloves may help, but you cant blame the glove on that.

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That sucks. But it is a retail glove. Your 5000s might have helped, but then again their are pro gloves and are going to have more protection. If you look at the more expensive retail gloves they all have the same level of protection for the thumb. You could have been wearing Eagles, Easton, or Rbk gloves and still broken your thumb. Even a pro glove might not have protected you. Depends on how fast you were going and how you hit the goal post. But all that aside, hope your thumb heals quickly.

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That sucks. But it is a retail glove. Your 5000s might have helped, but then again their are pro gloves and are going to have more protection. If you look at the more expensive retail gloves they all have the same level of protection for the thumb. You could have been wearing Eagles, Easton, or Rbk gloves and still broken your thumb. Even a pro glove might not have protected you. Depends on how fast you were going and how you hit the goal post. But all that aside, hope your thumb heals quickly.

yeah, but it's my fault, because I should have been wearing my 5000's. I was irresponcible to have been wearing the vapors. I just wanted to share what happened to me so that next time someone goes to the store they think twice about picking up the new Vapor whatever girdle that weighs half a pound, verses like CCM pro tacks.

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It happens to the best of us with all kinds of gloves. I broke my thumb early this season (luckly it wasnt a big break and only put me out 3 weeks) from a missed check into the boards. I was using a pair of Eagles (very well known for their protection). That doesn't meant that it's Eagle's fault.. its a contact sport and you are going to break something sooner than later. You can always blame your skates for not holding your edge <_<

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Now that I sound like a plug for the title I used on the topic, I just would like to send a message to everyone at MSH as far as gloves go.

I just got back from an X-ray and my thumb is broken from going full speed on a 2 on 1 in practice, then losing my edge, and sliding full speed into the goal post, my left hand being the first thing to impact the post.

Unfortunately for me, I had been wearing my vapor XX gloves on practice on tuesday, when it happened. Because of the contour and the lower density of the side of the hand protection of the XX, my thumb is broken. If I had been wearing my pro-stock bauer 5000's like I should have been, my season wouldn't be over right now. I really like my 5000's, but had been using my vapor XX off ice for using the kwik hands balls and working on my stickhandling and shooting. I decided to give them another try on ice knowing they didn't have as good protection, and I am paying the consequences.

Just a heads up expressing how important it is to be properly protected, not just wearing the coolest and lightest gear.

your 5000's would of made the situation worse. i went full speed on a breakaway last year in tryouts and got hauled down into the boards, my thumb hitting first. i was wearing my hgt's, and i ended up jamming my thumb joint rather than breaking it. way way worse, as i still don't have the full mobility of that thumb, and slight impacts sets off the pain to near the level it was when it first was injured.

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Thats crazy, some guy slashed me like a month ago right on the nail of my thumb, and it cracked and turned purple and hasn't changed color yet. I wear XXs too. I smell a lawsuit.

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It happens to the best of us with all kinds of gloves. I broke my thumb early this season (luckly it wasnt a big break and only put me out 3 weeks) from a missed check into the boards. I was using a pair of Eagles (very well known for their protection). That doesn't meant that it's Eagle's fault.. its a contact sport and you are going to break something sooner than later. You can always blame your skates for not holding your edge  <_<

No, I blame myself for the skates too... it was my second time skating with a shallower hollow that I sharpened on.

I'm not blaming this on bauer or anyone besides myself. I just don't want this to happen to someone else. Super cool-super light equiptment doesn't make you skate any faster or look any cooler if you're out with an injury...

I'll try to explain the way I impacted the post though.

The post connected with the area between your thumb and pointer finger, basically where you hold the stick. The vapors are rounded and tapered back in that area for mobility and right now there is a permanant indentation in the angled foam on the glove from the impact of the post. There is about 2 centimeters of low density foam there. However, if I was wearing my 5000's, the protection there is denser, squared off, poly insert, and whatever many layers of sheet metal inside. :lol: It makes up probally about an inch of padding.

I'm just saying, that if I help prevent one other person from making a similar mistake to me, then I am happy. :)

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All of these thumb injuries could be solved by remembering one simple rule: Don't try to take an impact hand first. Even with the best gloves it can lead to dislocated or broken thumbs, fingers, wrists, and even dislocated shoulders. You are far better off taking the impact with your upper arm and shoulder and letting your body dissolve the impact over a bigger area.

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