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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How cool is my cable company?

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I just want to share this with someone.

A couple months ago when the Olympic hockey TV schedule came out I was one pissed off dude because the majority of HDTV coverage was going to be on some channel called UniversalHD. I was pissed because I don't get that channel so the only HD hockey I would get to watch was on NBC, something like 4 games.

I wrote a letter begging them to add UniversalHD at least for the Olympics. Well, right now I am watching Russia vs Sweden (womens) in glorious HDTV! They have temporarily added UniversalHD. I doubt my one letter was the sole reason them adding UniversalHD, but whatever their reason I am one very happy customer. Good Job Time Warner Cable!

Quick observation on the olympic hockey arena. The seats are clear plastic!

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I am watching women's USA vs. Swiss right now and unfortunately no hd... :( stupid Comcast!

I feel your pain. I've got Comcast which doesn't have Universal HD. I'll just wait for NBC to carry hockey.

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I am watching women's USA vs. Swiss right now and unfortunately no hd... :( stupid Comcast!

Comcast just put the channel on in my area.

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Sweet - after seeing your guy's responses, I called Comcast and they said they are replacing our InHD2 with UniversalHD for the week!

Update - just checked it downstairs and it's working....

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Wow, those women are amazing (at hockey I mean ;) )

apparently, one of the italian dwomen is only 15. something like 5'1 and 112 lbs.

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On iO will they have it? If so what channel, im WAY to lazy to get up and go downstairs to the HDTV to check it.

I have iO and women's hockey is on channel 744 in HD.

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donkey..i saw Universal HD listed..I think on Comcast in the 270 range earlier today..

THanks for the head ups. I just found it - channel 276. I'm watching womens hockey USA v. Germany. Awesome picture.

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Also watched USA/Germany on Universal HD, except on satelite. Sweet.

On another topic, did ANYONE like the new socks and jerseys? The women looked anorexic.

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Also watched USA/Germany on Universal HD, except on satelite. Sweet.

On another topic, did ANYONE like the new socks and jerseys? The women looked anorexic.

I didn't like the jerseys, but I didn't hate them either. Socks were just bad. I can't get use to the vertical stripes.

THe USA v. Finland game should be good. The USA will finally have a challenge.

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I liked the German jerseys more than the US or Canadian ones. Hmm, maybe we should do some jerseys.

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I liked the German jerseys more than the US or Canadian ones. Hmm, maybe we should do some jerseys.

MSH jerseys? what a great idea. Can't beleive no one ever thought of that one....... :rolleyes:

what ever happened to that anyway?

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I liked the German jerseys more than the US or Canadian ones. Hmm, maybe we should do some jerseys.

MSH jerseys? what a great idea. Can't beleive no one ever thought of that one....... :rolleyes:

what ever happened to that anyway?

You'll see soon enough.

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The German Jerseys looked really good I thought.

I made a lot of fairly negative comments about the new style uniforms based solely on still photos. Now that I have seen them in action I have some reviesed comments.

Jerseys (visual): For the love of hockey, stop letting the intern do the graphic design on these things. If you insist on breaking tradition, then hire somebody with some artistic talent to do the redesign. USA, Russia, and Canada all look like they are wearing their practice jerseys. Horizontal stripes people, it aint that difficult! Heck, I'd even settle for a diagonal strip across the lower front. Right now the fronts of the jerseys look so plain. Just a big expanse of white with an iron-on logo slapped on it. Bland!

Jerseys (fit) I actually thought they looked ok. I actually saw folds and creases in the fabric. (Aint HD great?) The fabric did not look nearly as tight as the jerseys shown in the press phots. They looked like jerseys, not sausage casings.

Socks (visual) Ugh. You may think that vertical stripe looks good from the front, but when you see a player from the side or back, you can't even see it. It looks like they are wearing solid color socks. Did you notice the Russsians in their "all reds?" It looked like they were wearing sweatpants. Lose the vertical stripe and go horizontal.

Socks (fit) Their legs didn't look nearly as goofy as in the press still photos. Did you notice how many players were using sock tape? Pretty much all of them. I thought one of the benefits of these socks was the tight fit would eliminate the need for tape. It looks to me like the socks have been loosened up.

So, both the jerseys and socks look like they fit different than in the press photos. Two different factors could be at play here:

They were redesigned to loosen them up a bit


The players are wearing socks and jerseys that are too big for the sake of comfort.

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I completely agree with you about the socks. The vertical stripe is just stupid. I did notice that Sweden, Canada, and Switzerland has socks with the horizontal stripes. Did they switch brands, or were they able to just change the style of the socks?

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