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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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slappers with a whippier flex

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ive been using 75 for a while and i just got a 65 flex sl as a warranty replacement

first game last night and i had a few problems

first off puck feel and wrister are SUPER improve with this stick


my slapshots went down the toilet

is there like a different style of shooting with a whippier stick???

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ive been using 75 for a while and i just got a 65 flex sl as a warranty replacement

first game last night and i had a few problems

first off puck feel and wrister are SUPER improve with this stick


my slapshots went down the toilet

is there like a different style of shooting with a whippier stick???

its hard to get a good slapper off of a whippy stick.

You might want to choke down a little bit on the shaft.. but its still not going to be as good as your stiffer stick.

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Actually, my slap shot greatly improved when I changed to a whippier stick. You can actually feel the stick snap when it hits the puck. I love it. Maybe it will just take a little getting used to it for you.

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with my REG tps(95), my shot were shit.with XXX and SL shaft(85) my shot are AWSOME. with a Whip tps shaft my shot is SHIT...

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Work on your slapshot motion. You often have to make an adjustment when you use a stick with more flex. Get your motion as smooth as you can and take a little less ice and it should improve. start at half speed to get the motion right and slowly add some speed until you find the sweet spot.

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tru tru kovy

but ill make into a sweet shaft in bout a week lol

yea ill work on that chadd

thanks for tha advice guys

Just take it back and exchange it for a shaft :)

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Not necessary a slower swing , use about the same speed but think softer and use more arms streangth rather than weight. Also you might want to try a half swing thats how i got use to my SL.


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with my REG tps(95), my shot were shit.with XXX and SL shaft(85) my shot are AWSOME. with a Whip tps shaft my shot is SHIT...

Same exact case with me. Went from a 100 flex to a 85-- shots greatly improved from more flex-- figured i would try a whip flex -- shots were crap again-- sometimes you find the perfect flex i guess.


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