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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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kor skates whistling

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I got my Kor skates the other day, and they're freakin' fantastic. Most comfortable skates I have ever owned.

So far, I only have one problem, and it's one that others have mentioned in the "First impressions..." thread - my right skate whistles. I looked at the pitch holder, and it's plenty tight - I set it to +1 immediately, and I tightened it up enough. However, whenever I stop, the right skate makes a horrible whistleing sound. It's annoying enough that my teammates told me I can't wear the skates again until I get it fixed, haha.

One possible solution in the other thread was to jam paper towel up into it, but I was hoping somebody had an idea for a more permanent solution. I made a new thread in case anyone else had the problem and didn't want to read through 9 pages to find a solution.

Any thoughts?



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They're sharpened pretty decently already, in my opinion - I had no complaints about the sharpening. I'll try that, but I'd rather not spend $5 if I'm not sure it'll help.

But, Thanks!! I'll keep that in mind!!


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They're sharpened pretty decently already, in my opinion - I had no complaints about the sharpening. I'll try that, but I'd rather not spend $5 if I'm not sure it'll help.

But, Thanks!! I'll keep that in mind!!


Skates do not whistle. The sound is coming when you stop, that's a blade issue. Odds are the first sharpening was not done correctly and the hollow/edge is not consistent. Take it back to where you got them and have them sharpen again, they shouldn't charge you.

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Alright, so I got them sharpened today and had a game on them a bit later. Still whistle - very annoying. Actually, the left one whistles as well, I just never had a reason to stop with my weight on my left skate the first game.

It's not affecting my skating/stopping at all, as I threw ice about 8 feet up the glass, so I don't think it's sliding instead of digging.

It's just incredibly annoying. I called the store where I bought them, and they had never heard of it nor had any suggestions.

I'm going to try calling Kor and/or Mission tomorrow and see what they have to say.

Any other ideas??



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It has nothing to do with the skate. Skate edges can cause noise, it's how they are sharpened. What hollow did you get? Did you go to your regular sharpener?

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Yes, thank you, I understand it has nothing to do with the skate.

I went to my regular sharpener and got my normal 7/16" hollow that I've always gotten on my 1052s.

My skating is fine, the blade is digging fine as far as I can tell. And I've had a slight noise before from a bad sharpen, but nothing at all like this. This whistle is loud and squeaky sounding. It sounds like it needs oil, haha. Think of how brakes in a car sound when they start squeaking - its like that. I'm not paying for any more sharpenings until it needs it in a few weeks, because it didn't make a lick of difference and I'm not made of money.

I'm going to call Kor and/or Mission today, because nobody has ever heard of this problem before except the few posters in the Kor Skates impression thread.


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If you get it figured out, let us know. I had 1 kid on my team a few years ago with new skates, and every time he stopped his skates made the brake-squeal sound, too. His dad re-sharpened the skates over and over, different shops etc., and the sound didn't go away.

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Without bothering to go back to the other thread, if I remember correctly the blade was vibrating in the holder. Have you tried pulling the blades completely out and reseating them? Maybe the blade is just not sitting in the holder properly.

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Sounds definitely like the blade is vibrating (a little, you won't notice it). I remember long ago my teammate took a slapper to his CCM Tacks holder and his blade started to whistle as well.

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I talked to Vince at Kor - he believes that the blades had a manufacturing defect. His first question was if I had radiused them, which I hadn't. Apparently radiusing a blade and heating it improperly can cause a blade to whistle/squeal like that.

He suggested I take them back to where I got them and have new steel put in, but I mentioned that I live 2000 or so miles away from the store where I got them. He decided to send me some new steel in the mail, which should get here in a few days hopefully. So, A+ customer service from Kor. Vince is a good guy, friendly and helpful.

I'll let you guys know if the new steel fixes the problem.


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OK try this.... remove the blades and put them on the opposite skates. See if the noise goes away, or moves to the other skate or stays on the same skate. Then let us know.

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I talked to Vince at Kor - he believes that the blades had a manufacturing defect. His first question was if I had radiused them, which I hadn't. Apparently radiusing a blade and heating it improperly can cause a blade to whistle/squeal like that.

He suggested I take them back to where I got them and have new steel put in, but I mentioned that I live 2000 or so miles away from the store where I got them. He decided to send me some new steel in the mail, which should get here in a few days hopefully. So, A+ customer service from Kor. Vince is a good guy, friendly and helpful.

I'll let you guys know if the new steel fixes the problem.


They sound like a real stand up company. when I was at B and R buying the Kors The salesman called up the Kor rep and told me what to do because of my feet problems. The rep wanted to make sure the arch flatened and the boot stretched far enough on the sides.

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Oh no, Hurricane is involved! Head for the hills! Just kidding!

whistling skates, now I've heard everything. At least I'll be prepared when the first player comes in the shop with this complaint. What is next? My OPS is talking to me? "No slapshots, only wrist shots!"

Sorry, its late...............

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I got the new steel for the right skate from Vince last week, put it in and got my skates sharpened, and the whistling is gone, or at least I haven't noticed it yet. There is a tiny bit from the left skate, but it's not really noticable, so I'm not going to worry about it.

I have developed some nasty scabs from the whole "lace bite" issue or whatever that everyone else is talking about, so I'm deciding what to do about that, but the new steel fixed the whistle.

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