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Are there pro NHL'ers here?

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Considering how badly the product guys get badgered around here I'm sure they wouldn't want to publicly announce their identity. That said, I'm not aware of any.

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I was just woundering if your really that gullable...

If there was a "real" ex-NHL'er here do you think they would say so?

If someone says they are a ex-NHL'er, do you really believe them?

If you do... then this is you lucky day! PM me and I'll tell you about some investment property I could make you a deal on!

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I was just woundering if your really that gullable...

If there was a "real" ex-NHL'er here do you think they would say so?

If someone says they are a ex-NHL'er, do you really believe them?

If you do... then this is you lucky day! PM me and I'll tell you about some investment property I could make you a deal on!

A famous story in Red Sox lore is Curt Schilling started posting on the Sons of Sam Horn one night as he was considering whether to accept the trade to the Sox. (As a 10/5 player, he had the right to refuse the trade.)

Apparently, it took a while before the members on the board realized it was really him. He was posting in the middle of the night and there were about ten to fifteen people online. He kept posting during the early part of his first season, but he got irritated when the media would take what he posted and print it in the papers.

I have no idea whether he still posts there, since I don't read that forum. If I started reading a Sox forum, I'd really get nothing done! :lol:

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