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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Would this work?

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No problem. I don't see how that is supposed to work though. It looks like it'll just straighten out the blade or maybe even snap it.

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I know alot about sticks and curves, but this thing dosent look like the real deal, ive seen it on ebay before by the same seller, i agree with S_pump, it does look like it would appear to straighten or break the blade.

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I know alot about sticks and curves, but this thing dosent look like the real deal, ive seen it on ebay before by the same seller, i agree with S_pump, it does look like it would appear to straighten or break the blade.

The ProCurve does work. It's a bit clunky and I'd rather use my feet, but it does work. It has markings on there so you can set it every time and get the same curve.

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Ya the ProCurve works great for curving wood blades, but it is pretty hard to curve a composite blade, but I have done it before.

How did you curve the composite blade and how long did it last?

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How did you curve the composite blade and how long did it last?

I curved a composite blade the same way, with a heat gun. But I had to be a lot more careful while I was heating it to be sure I wasn't ruining it.

It lasted about 2 months I think, and I used it 6 days a week.

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The device works, but only on wood blades. Composites have resins that are permanently set into the fibers. You cannot reset them. They are produced inside inside $10k molds for a reason... ;)

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Yes, the procurve does work. I ordered it from Epuck, used it for a few wood blades, and it worked with no problem. I had an old JR zcarbon easton composite blade that i tried to heat up and change the curve, but that didnt work to well......

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The device works, but only on wood blades. Composites have resins that are permanently set into the fibers. You cannot reset them. They are produced inside inside $10k molds for a reason... ;)

Totaly untrue. It actualy took me less time to curve my Z carbon then my Inno wood. The stick was actualy surprisingly durable. I used it in about 20-30 skates, and then my coach broke it, because he said the curve was illegal, and that I would get called for a penalty. It was pretty funny, he hit it once, twice on the ground, and it didnt break, then jumped on it, didnt break, then he put his foot on it, and twisted the blade off. Says a lot for no durability, ey?

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... and you didn't beat down his punk ass? He could of just told you to use another stick instead of breaking your blade.

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... and you didn't beat down his punk ass? He could of just told you to use another stick instead of breaking your blade.

Hes a good guy, really funny actually, I just laughed at him, went out the next shift, scored two goals, and said, I would had a trick if I had the right stick

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Hey Vapor, Seems like you were more successful at changing the curve without loss of duribility than others. Whats your secret?? Did you use a flame, heat gun or hot water??? Tell us how you did it.

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ive used the pro curve on my graf laser,(composite blade) i used hot water to try and soften the blade alittle, then put it in the pro curve and adjusted the curve pattern,i put a heat gun on it but not to close,you dont want to burn and bubble the blade,when you tighten to make your bend in the blade do it at quarter turns slowly keep the heat going,take your time,when you get to the curve you want leave it in there for a few hours ,i ran the blade under cold water still in the pro curve just to make sure it would hold,it worked pretty good.

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Hey Vapor, Seems like you were more successful at changing the curve without loss of duribility than others. Whats your secret?? Did you use a flame, heat gun or hot water??? Tell us how you did it.

Flameless z carbon. Was a sakic Z carbon, 2002 I believe, no Ztac... if I remember correctly

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