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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Olympic Stealths

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I wonder if they had issues getting some of the equipment over for them. Sundin hasn't used a Synergy for some time now (over 2 years now) and I thought Ohlund was using TPS and Bauer mostly this season.

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Speaking of Todd Bertuzzi and Olympic sticks, I came across this photo and I was wondering if this is some sort of special make up Adrenaline?? it looks different from the retail ones for sure.


Adrenaline Control, it's grip + a better colour.

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Speaking of Todd Bertuzzi and Olympic sticks, I came across this photo and I was wondering if this is some sort of special make up Adrenaline?? it looks different from the retail ones for sure.


Adrenaline Control, it's grip + a better colour.

I am aware of the Adrenaline control.. and the writing on the adrenaline control is green, I dont see any green in that picture thats why I was confused. ;)

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JR if they use spray paint wouldnt it chip of really quickly .. like ive noticed that like neil and mcgrattan of the sens .. blacken out the blades like half way up there sticks and i was just wondering what they used to do it so it wouldnt chip off during games .. sorry for stealin the post a lil lol :P

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A guy on the team I was with had one of those Adrenaline Controls in green but he had it in tapered shaft form. I fooled aroud with it and it had grip too. It also comes in OPS form hence Bert is probably using the OPS Control Grip

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Speaking of Todd Bertuzzi and Olympic sticks, I came across this photo and I was wondering if this is some sort of special make up Adrenaline?? it looks different from the retail ones for sure.


it might be a r+ painted to an adrenaline?

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