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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wierd stick found at olyimpics

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It's the new Montreal Nitro One Piece, I believe. Teppo Numminen is a part owner or something of Montreal hockey. The all-white Montreal gloves he's wearing too are disgustingly nice gloves.

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The all-white Montreal gloves he's wearing too are disgustingly nice gloves.

We had some in the shop this year.

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GURU - here's your next ad...

voiceover...RBK pays these athletes millions of dollars a year...what do they spend it on??

cut to: empty cans of black spray paint :D

***1000th post***

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Forsberg has his Eastons gloves taped over, but all the yellow stealths they have are clearly visable.

Is this one of those issues where they have to pay fees on every piece of visible equipment or do they pay 1 fee for everything?

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I also think Sundin is using a yellow swedish stealth because it's all blacked out, but the top and blade part are yellow.

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Arnt the sedin's sponsored by RBK? Him useing a easton stick wouldnt be good for bussiness, so i guess he just covered up the easton name. That makes sence to me?


i wonder why he's not using his v130

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