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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf skates.

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i'm looking new skate, and i'm interested about graf skates. i currently have XX vapor (US9.5 EE) and i like the performance of them but the durability is horrible. and i'm wondering is it HUGE diffrenece between graf and XX vapor for skating possition or something like that?? and what model of graf would you suggestion/recommend to me...

my English is bad i'm from Finland...

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you should note that the liner of the 735s soak up alot of water, so they will be heavier than your vapors. theyre also not the stiffest of skates. other than that, they fit like a dream, great skate, im in my 2nd pair.

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they even dye your socks blue the first few skates :o its a great skate nonetheless though

all 3 pair of my graf's haven't dyed my socks and i'm very happy with them

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even after drying them on their sides with the insoles out after every single skate since i purchased them at the start of the season, it still soaks alot water. i noticed this with my first pair, after i take them off after a skate they are pretty wet. about the dye, the inside lining of hte 735s is black, and on both pairs they dye my white socks a bit blue.

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even after drying them on their sides with the insoles out after every single skate since i purchased them at the start of the season, it still soaks alot water. i noticed this with my first pair, after i take them off after a skate they are pretty wet. about the dye, the inside lining of hte 735s is black, and on both pairs they dye my white socks a bit blue.

are the 735's any different from any of the other 7 series? i have two pairs of 705's and they didn't seem to soak up much water.

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and i'm wondering is it HUGE diffrenece between graf and XX vapor for skating possition or something like that??

The holder on Grafs will put you more on your toes. The holder on the Bauers puts you on your heels. There is an adjustment period, but if it continues to be a problem you could always get the blades profiled.

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I made the switch from Vapor XX to Graf 705 in November. I put LS2 on them once I realized that I couldn't skate backwards on my toes. Looking back, I probably should have went with Custom+, but I'm happy :D

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i went from vapor xvs to 705s and it was an easy switch. after about ayear i put on custom+ holders and know realize i like thegraf holders better. more suitable for my skating style. i just got a pair of 707s and love them. i have worn them 3 times and have adjusted to the foward pitch. i dont think i will be putting ne kind of tuuks on these

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I went from a Bauer Supreme to a Graf 705 and the pitch was something to get used to, but you can solve that by profiling the blade. I like the Graf holder because it is easy to change both the blade or the holder.

I found the biggest difference between the two to be in the ankle flexibility. The Supremes had a plastic piece in the tongue which limited forward flex until broken in. The Bauer also has a stiff upper part whereas the Graf is more flexible. The flexible upper allows for more quickness and better edge control. It is definitely a different skating experience. It may in fact highlight some of your weaknesses.

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do you mean this kind of 735`? 735iso.gif

Those are the swiss version of the G35's I believe, which fit similarly to the 735's. I would get that version as they are lighter, and since you are in finland, they are much higher quality than the ones from graf canada.

I don't know what the name of those are there, but if you see them and they fit you well, I would defenately use them. :D

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Are there any higher end graf's available in jr sizes other than the 705 and 703?

If you can find them, the '05 G-35's came in Jr. sizing. I don't know if they still offer that in '06, check up on that.

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Instead of putting on Lightspeeds just get the Pitch 3 holder and you can adjust the contour or pitch to what your comfortble with. ;)

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